#67 – How to Use Instagram Story to Convert More Sales

July 26, 2021
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

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Ever spend hours thinking of clever ways to promote your business on social media but your results are still crickets…_2e9oh1d70e0EwQa7b3Y4itYmLBSClx1M0HStjDixgmvZDIVe6xmO9lskGZeo8IdulwSV-2BYEaypzhbzrzlV7RXF-agM2dyhV5fWQwc5Qu-eVcuC9ZcaWPxaLAmbj-r_Z59DWex #67 - How to Use Instagram Story to Convert More Sales Podcast ZhMYo0apdIwgHR3NAqt51BSHsKROlup2hklaesa9tCzMSIrFDyomernjGMrJ4Y8zIC08qq1TT78IlOVDY4UCePjYTcr_7pydIg_fMPik_NWgzQsfkrnBqDYyg7V3EqETrbOFuC4- #67 - How to Use Instagram Story to Convert More Sales Podcast sinmpiU06cDWz6q_gK8T4d0gBILVS8C9HH97VRG-GjoLIFQOoaPrdTrTnbzg3f-UhhFGm7Hr2Ft9n2s5k5QCuLwmVhLZsZi_RgW67onQPZfNhOkJhdaX8o5shtlZpKtd4OwuAwuw #67 - How to Use Instagram Story to Convert More Sales Podcast ?

Instagram Story is the most effective way to build relationships with your audience, build trust, and convert your followers into paying customers.

Do you know what’s the most important factor on social media? Engagement.

And if you’re not connecting with your followers every single day, don’t expect them to engage with your account. OZFMiqUg3ulHOXKegRWXzcpboilADvwLYQAgCUPT1FC02U6SKnWV_tkm-neYKp7JBFJheQ2FaeF3u5EAjaYK2t4F4OQZqfCS8lEI42q_Q1uJC5IJlMlpDtxCdumN4CaboNfL_AeT #67 - How to Use Instagram Story to Convert More Sales Podcast

The problem is that a lot of people have no idea how to leverage engagement on Social Media.

But, not you! eCjiTUL0nEl6r5eCXe70ho4K2mc7P9FiCpQwekNxLZpyta6IQqZVQfPlEGYaThOfBHq1GAqeeuHWe-vCRyeki_ub0DcuzA_24cpo9quqZ-9FgnQIzG_Hpty24nrcs2QpvDcdzkxV #67 - How to Use Instagram Story to Convert More Sales Podcast

In this FREE guide, you’ll learn the most important factor when creating Instagram Story for your business, how to make sure your content is engagement-worthy, and how to encourage your audience to finally start engaging with your account.

The ONLY way to get this guide is by joining me LIVE for my brand-new masterclass on the 28th and 29th of July 2021! (Spots are already filling up fast!) 0zDsgDG-QVEaJG26GQR85W5pek-fxN3m-h8V0J861pPF17rUzPZkxyIGa1PwqOXWG1i6fHmc1vrsoEVOLNNXEGSCFJj4PZHdVbImQXZFXoYW-RAy8ZY0GCj9sNZxaMwLlbdDvMJ3 #67 - How to Use Instagram Story to Convert More Sales Podcast

fawJlInRBIu1CdOALeWl8rnHb2CQXtVnT3OsrMo_iNz1bQcrKZ9KJMzzfUF1XkfM-5mYEw4sw60oJmeQIYOwgzHRncgiQp4F3DeAqmq8N9hTqTxco97uWMZogK-CsDp37o_22ioO #67 - How to Use Instagram Story to Convert More Sales Podcast Show up live for my masterclass, get the FREE Instagram Story Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs, and stop throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to promoting your biz!

Head to stevendecuba.com/masterclass for more info!

IPB-July-2021-Launch-feed #67 - How to Use Instagram Story to Convert More Sales Podcast