Discover the 6-Step Framework That Today's Luxury Wedding Photographers are Using to Book High-End Weddings

  • Learn how to charge premium prices even if you're just starting out.
  • Discover the difference between booking a $2K and $10K+ wedding.
  • Unlock the secrets to increasing your perceived value so you can book high-end clientele.

IMPORTANT: This Masterclass will be hosted on Zoom on the 29th of August 2024 at 20:00 CET. There will be NO replay available.



Wedding photographer, which of these sound like you?

  • You've been wanting to photograph high-end weddings, but you have no idea how to get those type of clients.
  • You meet with your potential clients, but then they ghost you after you send your prices.
  • Some at least tell you "you're too expensive" – but that's not really what you wanted to hear.
  • You still work at your corporate job so you barely have time (or energy) to work on your photography business.
  • Marketing and branding are not your favorite topic, you just want to take photos and be creative.
  • But you're getting little to no inquiries.
  • On top of that, you're being undercut by your competition 😫

Trust me, you're not alone. Many struggling wedding photographers experience one of these points.

Hey, I'm Steven de Cuba

I've moved my wedding photography business to the Netherlands 8 years ago.

I had ZERO business experience, no portfolio, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to make it full-time.

That made me feel overwhelmed... 😵‍💫

Everything changed the moment I started building a personal brand and applying the principles of building a high-end business.

...within 2 years I was named as one of the top 10 wedding photographers in The Hague.

And I made over $100.000+ within that same year.

Today, I travel the world for destination weddings, my work has been published in different magazines and publications, and I work with the top vendors in the industry.

Just imagine where your business could be in 3 months from now...

or 6 months from now...

or 12 months from now...

Actually, before you answer that, think about where your wedding photography business is RIGHT NOW.

And are you happy with that?

And what are you doing about it?

If your business is not exactly where you want it to be, let me be the guide that will help you save time and overwhelm with the 8+ years of experience that I have.

Instead of wasting time guessing your next step, confidently wake up every morning knowing exactly what to do to take your wedding photography business to 6-figures.

There's a lot of talented wedding photographers out there and the competition is only getting bigger.

The problem is that most struggling wedding photographers aren't great at being a business owner.

Most of them look at what others are doing and compete based on pricing... only to end up undercharging.

Think about it... How do you expect to build a high-end wedding photography business if you're competing based on who's charging the least?

What most successful wedding photographers do is they work on increasing their perceived value so that they can charge premium prices.

Building a personal brand is the most effective way to stand out in the sea of photographers so you can increase your brand awareness and revenue in your business.

Giveaway for Live Attendants 🎉


Private Pricing Strategy Session

  • 60-minute pricing strategy session with Steven de Cuba (valued at €597)
  • We’re going to set up your pricing strategy and apply The High-End Click Pricing Framework.
  • Bonus: Pricing Guide Template (valued at €47)
  • Bonus: Sales-Call Script for more Conversion (valued at €997)

Requirement: You need to tune in LIVE to the Masterclass to participate