#33 – The most common fears of building a personal brand online with Rocio Burgos

November 10, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

One of the things I’ve learned from my mentor, James Wedmore, is that business happens in phases. And every phase requires new sets of actions, lessons, and achievements.

It’s just like a video-game. You start at level 1 and as you continue to level 2, there are new challenges you have to overcome. Then you get to level 3 and so on.

Now, I remember when I first discovered photography in Aruba, I thought “Okay, but why would someone book me as their photographer if there are many other photographers doing the same thing I’m doing and probably better”. I had the fear of “what if doesn’t work”. 

And when it worked, my fear changed into “What if I cannot sustain this? What if it doesn’t last? What if is just a phase?”.

And when I moved to the Netherlands to pursue my business degree, I knew I wanted to continue with my photography, but it felt like I was starting back from zero. I didn’t know anyone. It was my first time living alone. It was my first time living away from home. Everything was new to me. I had the fear of, what if doesn’t work here? What if it was just a phase in Aruba? What if I just need to spend time on my studies?

I played it safe. I got my business degree and I was ready to go all-in with my business and then COVID hit. 

  • I lost all my bookings for 2020. 
  • I love my part-time job because of COVID
  • And I just graduated, I had my business degree, but I didn’t have a business nor a job.

I had all the reasons why right now is the worst time to go all-in with my business.

I had all the reasons to stay in my comfort zone and play it safe.

But I was tired of it. I was tired of the bullshit excuses that I was giving my self to play it safe.

Despite the fear, I told myself: If right now is not the time, then when? 

I don’t want to be that 90-year-old person that would sit and regret everything that they didn’t do.

And then I had to take a step back and realize: “Steven, who the heck told you that you’re going to live until 90?”. 

“Who the heck told you that you’ll be alive NEXT WEEK?”

And at that moment I’ve realized is that every day you have that choice. 

I could choose to look at all these circumstances as the reason why right now is not the best time to grow a business online. Or I can choose to look at these circumstances as opportunities for growth.

Whether you believe it or not: every day you have the choice.

  • You can ALWAYS look for the silver lining in everything
  • You can always choose to remain calm when challenges appear
  • You can always choose to focus on the positive.

All I’m asking you today is to make a choice.

In this episode, Rocio helped me discover the fears that are holding a lot of millennials back from building a personal brand online. 

The good news is that fear is inevitable. But how we reframe the fear is what’s important. 

Listen now!

Podcast-Cover-1 #33 - The most common fears of building a personal brand online with Rocio Burgos Podcast

Btw, have you signed up for my FREE masterclass yet? Discover how to build a personal brand on social media so you can FINALLY turn your passion into a profitable business (without having a lot of followers and without spending the whole day on your phone!).

This FREE masterclass is on the 25th and 26th of November 2020.

Click here to reserve your seat  >>>> 

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