How to Deal With Wedding-Planning-Stress

April 3, 2018

Let’s talk about stress, shall we?

You may have heard it many times: wedding planning can be stressful. While I encourage every bride to enjoy the journey, it’s almost impossible to keep your checklist from filling up with hundreds of to-do tasks, and let me tell you: that can get daunting. Here are some ideas to help you forget about the stress and enjoy the process.

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Get away
Who said that you have will to wait until your honeymoon to plan a vacation? If you feel like a weekend-getaway would help with the stress, why not plan a trip with your fiancé and enjoy some time away from the stress.

Dance the night away
Or should I say: dance the stress away? Scrap whatever you have on a Friday night off of your checklist and plan a fun night with your fiancé.

Arrange for an afternoon where you don’t make or answer any wedding-related phone calls, or emails. Go get a massage, do yoga, or simply take a nap. This is especially important the last few days leading up to the wedding because you really don’t want to look tired on your wedding day.

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Whatever you do, remember that being stressed out about anything is not going to change the fact that you’re marrying the love of your life. Which means, stressing about anything isn’t worth it. So, take a deep breath and remember the reason for this celebration.

Happy Wedding Planning!

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