Tim and Theresia – Utrecht, Netherlands

March 6, 2017

They met at a festival. She was working for charity. He, on the other hand, was there to party. They met and chatted for a while that night. Even though they only spoke briefly to each other, they knew they wanted to get to know each other better. For their first date, they went for a drink in a bar next to an old canal in the city centre of Utrecht.

From that day and two dates after they were certain they would stay together forever. They have been together for three years, engaged and now planning to get married in 2018.

Tim and Theresia, thank you for your time and love. I am so happy for you two and I wish both all the best in the future, together.

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” I like his beard ” – she said.
2017-03-05_0006 Tim and Theresia - Utrecht, Netherlands Engagement Their love glows!
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With love,
Steven de Cuba

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