How to Deal with Rain on Your Wedding Day

May 7, 2018
Rain Wedding Day

So it begins, you’re months away from your wedding day and you’ve already started to have nightmares – you forgot to send the invites, you spilled food on your dress, you got to the wedding venue with wet hair…

While I don’t really know what to say about the first two, other than uhh… “Don’t forget to send the invites” and… “DON’T SPILL FOOD ON YOUR DRESS”, I do have some tips on how to avoid the third one.

Rain on your wedding day?! THAT for sure may sound like your worst nightmare. But in The Netherlands, no matter how hard you pray, there’s a very good chance that it would rain on your wedding day.

To avoid rain to be an issue at your wedding, you have to plan. There’s a quote that says: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. Pack a stylish umbrella that you could not only use but also feel comfortable taking photos with. I love clear, rounded umbrellas because they allow light to shine through and illuminate your face.

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April showers bring May flowers, but they also have the potential for couples to plan special wedding photos. Personally, I see it as an opportunity for some really unique and stunning images. Not only does rain create a dreamy atmosphere, but it also gives you the opportunity to get creative.

List of 4 things you should consider:
Transparent Umbrellas
Spare set of shoes
Use waterproof makeup
Reserve a tent or have indoor options

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While some brides still believe that rain on their wedding day might be the end of the world, the truth is: Your wedding day is what you make of it. So what if it rains? Simple. Make sure you’re always prepared so you can’t avoid any uncontrollable factors.


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