It’s time to celebrate the First Anniversary of The Steven de Cuba’s Podcast! 🎙️

We are having a contest for listeners of the Steven de Cuba Podcast, and there will be 3 lucky winners who’ll receive FREE access to my brand-new online course: The Instagram Academy (€297 value).

To enter this giveaway all you have to do is:
1️⃣ Go to Apple Podcast and search for the Steven de Cuba Podcast.
2️⃣ Write a nice review and take a screenshot of your review... (5 stars for good karma!😉)
3️⃣ Come back here and upload your screenshot by clicking on the button below.

NOTE: You have until 21st of May 2021 at 23:59 CET to fill out the form in order to be eligible for the price. The winner will be announced on the 25th of May 2021.


© Steven de Cuba

The Instagram Academy

The complete A-Z course for creative entrepreneurs to help you grow your business on Instagram, so you can attract more leads, get more inquiries, and make more sales.

We went from having 7 clients to now having 78 clients within two months! We landed 4 new contracts starting at 40.000 AWG per year!

- Caturla Gardening, Cleaning Services

I hosted my first paid virtual event, a new moon ritual. I booked over 63 participants that paid 17,50€ to attend – that is over 1000 euros!

– Daniela KuRa, Coach, Trainer, and Speaker.

I've gained 60 new followers, I have gained a lot of traffic, engagement with my IGTVs and my stories. I was finally able to break free of fear and perfectionism and I was able to create my first offer.

- Gabriela E. NLP Coach.