How to Say No Kids at Your Wedding

March 19, 2018
Esbeek Wedding

No matter what anyone tells you, there’s no right or wrong answer. Having an adults-only wedding is a decision you will make based on what’s best for you, your spouse, and your wedding.

With that being said, here are 7 ways on how to say no kids at your wedding.

7 Ways to Say No Kids at Your Wedding:

Full day:

“With respect, we would like our special day to be an adult only occasion.”

“Although we adore your children, this is an adults-only kind of day.”

“We have reserved _ seats in your honour.”


“Please join us for an adult reception honouring the new Mr. and Mrs. _____.”

“Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate all of our guests’ children at the reception. Please contact Lori at ______ if you need assistance finding child care.”

“Adults only reception to follow.”

“We respectfully request no children under 16 at the reception.”

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