New Facebook Live Series.

August 1, 2017

When I first started my business, I had no idea what I was doing. I had just started.

In fact, when I first started my business; I doubted myself.
It’s like my mind was having a debate with itself:
“Am I good enough?”
“Will I succeed?”
“Is this the right way?”
“So-and-so has 100k+ followers, I only have 2k”
“He’s way better than me”

And then I realised: Doubting yourself is a normal part of being an entrepreneur.

Yesterday I made the decision to stop doubting and start doing.

If you haven’t seen it yet, I started a new Facebook Live Series. Basically, for the next 5 weeks, I am going to host a weekly educational Facebook live series with different photography related topics.

Today, I am going to cover 3 main questions that you might have asked yourself before looking at this Facebook Live video:

1. Who am I?
2. Why am I doing Facebook lives?
3. How to win a FREE PHOTOSHOOT

So shall we start?

stevendecuba101of102-e1501268694955-1920x2086 New Facebook Live Series. Personal

Who am I?

My name is Steven de Cuba. I am a lifestyle wedding photographer based in The Netherlands. I was born on the beautiful island of Aruba and I am thrilled that I’ve started my business in The Netherlands as well. I am currently doing my Bachelor in International Business and Management. I’ve just finished my first year, so hopefully, I will have my Bachelor in Business Administration in 3 years.

Why am I doing Facebook lives?

There are many reasons why I will be going live on Facebook. While many of those reasons might be important, I’m going to share the most important one: it is because of YOU!

For the past years as a wedding photographer, I’ve come to realize that many of my brides have a lot of questions they would like to ask me before coming to their photoshoot. My number one priority for my clients is for them to feel comfortable, and by guiding them throughout the process we will achieve just that! With that being said, I will come prepared to every Facebook Live and I will try my best to deliver the best content possible. And that leads me to point number #3.


As I said before, I will come prepared to every Facebook Live to deliver the best content possible. I will be answering your questions live and I will also be asking you questions on Social Media. Make sure you follow me on Instagram and hit the like button on my Facebook Page. Finally, to stay updated with my blog posts, please subscribe to my newsletter.

So, the 3 things you can do to stay connected are: 
1. Follow me on Instagram.
2. Hit the like button on my Facebook page.
3. Sign up for my newsletter on my website. The process is easy. At the end of this page, there’s a subscription bar that even gives you 10% off on your next 1-hour photoshoot with me! So, just enter your name and your email address. And I promise I won’t spam your email. Promise! 

And as a gift, for the first 100 subscribers that subscribe to my newsletter, you will all participate to win a free 1-hour photoshoot with me.

Thank you for joining me and I hope to see you on my next Facebook Live.

Have a great day.

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