My New Logo

March 29, 2017

When I first started my business, I had no idea where to start. I thought a photography business means: having a camera? Of course. Having a logo? Uhm… okay. Having a website? …Okay, slow down!

At that time, my dad had an old camera. I picked it up, started taking random pictures and posted them on Facebook. Soon enough, I realised that I was getting a lot of likes. At that time, my cousin was pregnant. I did her maternity photo shoot, posted them on Facebook, and again, I was getting a lot of likes.

I decided to design a logo, and yes, me being the “graphic designer” that I am, I started to mess around in Illustrator and Photoshop. I had no idea what I was doing. I very nearly threw my laptop out the window a few times, but that’s beside the point… I failed to design a logo so I asked my friend if he could do it for me. So he did and I loved it. The only thing was, at that time, I had no idea what my logo was supposed to look like. It wasn’t related to my style. It wasn’t related to my pictures. It wasn’t related to my Facebook page (of course at that time I didn’t have a website yet). Every time someone asked me for a business card, I cringed because of my logo. After 4 years of doing photography, I can proudly say that I have a new logo. A logo that represents me as a person, as a photographer, as a blogger and as an entrepreneur.

Steven-DC-White-BG-940x665 My New Logo Personal

Logo designed by Valentino Angela.



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