Like mother, like daughters – Family Photos in Aruba

February 15, 2016

“Family like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one”

Like branches on a tree, all three of us has different personalities and qualities that makes us different from each other. We took different directions regarding our professional career and personal lives. We had all these differences yet we remained as one. Our roots remained the same because we had the great support, love and patience provided to us by our mother. We owe everything we are today to her, all of our accomplishments and happiness is rooted back to her.

Julissa, Mariela and Mary-Lynn, I am honoured to have documented your love for each other. Thank you for being awesome and I wish you all the best. 🙂
2016-02-15_0001-940x627 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle These two? Hi-la-rious.
2016-02-15_0002-940x705 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle

This photo shoot was a gift saying thank you for everything, Ma. But at the same time can we please replace the old and embarrassing photo we have in the living room? But moving on, we’re a very close family that even an Atlantic ocean doesn’t limit our love we have for each other. This photo shoot was very memorable and bittersweet. Bitter sweet because I’m not in Aruba anymore and not physically close to them, but at the same time I have the photos as ‘souvenirs’.

Note it was also a surprise for my mother as she cherish these photographs a lot since both of us sisters had to move abroad to continue our studies.
Now the oldest sister, Mary-Lynn moved back to Aruba and is working as a Spanish and Economic teacher at different schools and Julissa (me) is still studying in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

2016-02-15_0003-940x627 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle 2016-02-15_0004-940x627 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle 2016-02-15_0005-940x1410 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle 2016-02-15_0006-940x705 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle Like I said…. Like mother, like daughters. Love this!2016-02-15_0007-940x627 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle 2016-02-15_0008-940x530 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle This? This is adorable.2016-02-15_0009-940x705 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle The Divi Resort Aruba is an amazing location for a family session. 2016-02-15_0010-940x627 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle A way better version of Charlie’s Angel 😉2016-02-15_0011-940x434 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle I’ll end on this note because it’s one of my favourites from the shoot…2016-02-15_0012 Like mother, like daughters - Family Photos in Aruba Lifestyle

    1 comment

  • Anacarina Alvarez
    February 18, 2016

    Leuk Mary-Lynn!! Great pictures en photoshoot!! Lots of love from the Netherlands

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