Jourenne & Rob – Engagement Session

August 22, 2016
photographer holland

They met at a student party in the Netherlands back in 2008 when they were both studying abroad. Rob was visiting a friend in Amsterdam. Jourenne was actually living in the student complex where the party took place. Both of them were total strangers to each other before they have met, and it was by total chance (or destiny?) that they have met at that place.

There was a moment during the party when the police went to try to stop the party (because the music was loud of course) and that is when all (about 10 people) “fled” and hid in a random stranger’s room. They started  getting acquainted with a student from Spain (owner of the room) and that is when they also started to learn about each other’s background. They literally asked this to each other in excitement: “Bo ta rubiano?” (are you Aruban?!).

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They were having quite some fun during their conversation and that is when all the chemistry started. However, there was a catch: Jourenne already had a boyfriend back then. They exchanged contact information to remain in contact as friends. Back then it was MSN Messenger and regular SMS texts. They tried to chat with each other whenever they had a chance but they never saw each other again after that day. They remained “online buddies”.

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Skip forward 4 years to 2012. Rob was on vacation on Aruba. He was playing guitar at a wedding ceremony at the church in Savaneta, when he received a sudden message on his Facebook messenger. To his surprise it was a message from Jourenne saying hi. Rob was ecstatic. They started to chat again and it was like crazy. They had long conversations every day about anything and everything.

And then one moment it hit Rob: What if this is not chance, but destiny? “I would not allow this go to waste again”, he said. So he asked her on a date. After some dates, one thing led to another and suddenly they were in a relationship and they have been ever since.

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On December 4, 2014, exactly on their 2nd relationship anniversary Rob decided that he want to spend the rest of his life with this woman whom he truly loves with all his heart. He had been contemplating about when would be an appropriate time to ask her and it just felt like the right time. Knowing that she’s a very detailed person, Rob arranged a professional photographer to capture the moment.

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Later that night they went on with photoshoot, which started at Alto Vista Chapel and ended at California lighthouse. Rob wrote a love letter which ended with a question asking her to marry him. Rob asked her to read the letter out loud while facing the lighthouse. Rob was standing behind her with the ring in the back of his hand. When she was almost done, Rob went on one knee and waited for her to turn around. She was all in tears when reading the card because she didn’t know what to expect. In all her emotions, she did not comprehend the last question. She had to read it again. Then Rob asked her to turn around and look at him. The moment she turned around she found Rob kneeling on one knee and asking her the question once again. She said yes and they got all emotional. They were both in tears and shaking, not grasping that this was actually happening. “One of the happiest moments of our lives” he said.

2016-08-19_0011 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement 2016-08-19_0012 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement 2016-08-19_0013 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement One thing Jourenne loves about Rob is the fact that he is an old fashion type of person and he’s one of a kind. “He’s my Rob Star (sexy guitar player)” she said.2016-08-19_0014 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement

“I find it funny when people ask me to name one thing that I love about my bride. I always find that a difficult question, not because I cannot name anything, it’s because there are so many things that I love about her. I really love her entire being. I love the way that she makes my smile and that I can be myself around her. She is very supporting, caring, loving, detailed, organized, affectionate, gorgeous, very innocent at times, honest, hardworking, and much more. She empowers me to become a better version of myself every day. Sometimes I wish that everybody could look her through my eyes and behold the amazing person that she truly is.”

2016-08-19_0015 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement 2016-08-19_0016 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement Jourenne, you are beautiful!

2016-08-19_0017 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement 2016-08-19_0019 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement This?! Melts my heart!

2016-08-19_0020 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement 2016-08-19_0021 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement 2016-08-19_0022 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement Much love for the both of you, friends!

2016-08-19_0023 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement “He’s caring, loving, calm, and brings the best out of me. He’s my point of reasoning. He managed to bring out my calmness, something that nobody had ever achieved.” Said Jourenne.

2016-08-19_0024 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement 2016-08-19_0025 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement On a perfect day in Aruba, the couple enjoyed a orange sunset.

2016-08-19_0026 Jourenne & Rob - Engagement Session Engagement Jourenne and Rob, I wish you both all the best. I am thankful to have been invited into your lives and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you both!

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Much love,
Steven de Cuba

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