Ingeborg and Jeandre – The Hague, Netherlands

January 23, 2017

She had worked 12 hours that day, she was tired and hungry. She called him and told him to meet her at Subway to grab dinner. So they did. They had Subway as their first dinner together and from there on out they kept in touch and saw each other almost every day.

They met at a Carnaval Party in Aruba. Ingeborg had a boyfriend back then so she wasn’t really interested. A few days later they saw each other again at a Carnaval Parade, but they never approached each other. At the end of the night Jeandre went to her and said hi. As they shared the same friends they knew they would meet again and that is exactly what happened. Ingeborg went out with a group of friends and Jeandre was there as well. At the end of the night they finally exchanged numbers and from then on they kept texting.

Flash forward to today, Ingeborg and Jeandre are happily married and living together in The Netherlands with their two lovely dogs Diamond and Pearl.

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It was a beautiful afternoon in The Hague and the light was perfection…

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Only Jeandre can make Ingeborg smile this way, it’s beautiful.

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I wish you both nothing but all the best.

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Happy Monday!

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