I am officially a Flytographer!
How many times have you taken an incredible trip only to return with a handful of unpleasant photos? Next time, check out Flytographer! Incase you are wondering what Flytographer is. In short: go on vacation, hire a local photographer, and get some breathtaking photos!
Booking is really easy!
Pick where you want to go, pick your photographer and then pick a package. Via email or their online chat you can discuss more details about where in the city you would like your shoot and you will be sent an email with all the details about your photographer, times, places and even a map of your area and route if you plan on moving around. When you get to your shoot you can discuss more of what you want and really personalize your photos.
After you finish you will have an online album of high quality, high resolution photos that can be easily downloaded to you computer with the click of a button! I mean… can it be a little bit easier, please?
So don’t pack your huge heavy camera. Book Flytographer for your next vacation.
You’re welcome!