FAQ Wedding Album

August 16, 2017

FAQ Wedding Album

Two weeks ago I officially launched The DUO Collection. Today, I will be answering FAQ concerning wedding albums. Shall we start?

First and foremost, I’ve put together 3 points on why you should take a wedding album into consideration.

1. Wedding Album tells a story.
Let’s say, for example, you’ve had an 8-hour wedding. On average, I would take about 600-800 pictures. While those 600-800 pictures might be important to you, I am pretty convinced that you will not show all those pictures to your friends and family when they visit for Christmas. However, by having a wedding album you will show them the highlights of your wedding day and these pictures will do the job.

2. It will last forever.
Imagine this, in 15 years, sitting down on your couch with your 7-year-old child, showing her your beautiful wedding pictures. Oh yes, I said 15 years. I am convinced that the quality of the wedding albums will last a lifetime and even your grandchildren will cherish these pictures. 😉

3. Digital vs Printed.
Let’s be real. You just can not compare a digital image with a professionally printed image. There is something about seeing your image on paper, being able to touch it, having something physical in your hands. Seeing your images printed in a high-quality wedding album is like magic.

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Now that you have an idea why you should consider a wedding album, let’s dive in into the actual FAQ about wedding albums.

How long does it take to get my album?
Well, it all depends on how fast we finish the album design. First of all, you will choose your favourite pictures from your wedding day.  The whole idea of a wedding album is to tell a story. I will include some additional images that reflect the day as a whole. After finishing the whole design, the album will be at your door within 4 weeks of making the order.

Can I add more pages to my album?
Of course you can! My wedding albums start at a minimum of 10 spreads, which is a total of 20 pages. You can add a maximum of 20 spreads (40 pages). It all depends on how many pictures you want in your wedding album. Which leads me to the next question…

Are you choosing the pictures for our album or are we choosing them?
In short, a mix of both. The process is really easy. I will send you an online private link with all your wedding images. On the bottom of every picture, there’s a ‘heart icon’ which you can favourite the pictures you would like to add for your wedding album. However, I would love for you to consider not adding too many pictures, only your favourite ones. Having too many pictures on one page could be a distraction for the eye. On average, I will try to keep between 3-5 images per spread. So that is one thing I would like you to keep in mind.

Can I order a parent album?
First of all, a parent album is a replica and, usually, a smaller version of the main album. Yes, you can. I know how important your wedding day is for your parents. A parent wedding album is definitely something that your parent will cherish forever. Let’s say for example you order a 30 x 30 wedding album, a smaller version can be a 30 x 20 or a 20 x 20. It all depends on your preference! 🙂

Side note;

I think that is safe to say that we both agree that it is important to have great images to look back on and remember your wedding day, right? However, looking at the pictures via an iPad, or laptop is not the same. Having a wedding album is what you will cherish forever. You will get it out on your wedding anniversary and relive that special day while you look through the pages, you will show your children and grandchildren in years to come. And that? That is P.R.I.C.E.L.E.S.S!

If you have any questions feel free to email me at:info@stevendecuba.com

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