Family Portrait Tips

June 22, 2015

“Deciding what to wear in family photos can be just as challenging as finding the perfect photographer. These are photos you are going to hang on your walls and cherish for years to come. It can seem overwhelming when considering what to wear but it doesn’t need to be. Use these tips to help you pick out the perfect wardrobe for you and your family.”

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Our family photography is about capturing the moments, the expressions and the interaction between family. Clothing is a perfect opportunity to express your personality, but if it comes down to a choice between two outfits, there are a few things you may want to take into consideration. What you wear can either steal attention away from your faces or enhance the beauty of your photograph and compliment your family.

Here are our suggestions to help you cut down the agonizing task of choosing the perfect clothing for your photo shoot:


1. Bold patterns – think black and white stripes or really strong colourful flowers. Strong contrast always draws attention to itself and makes photograph look very ‘busy’. Soft or subtle patterns are perfectly fine though!

2. Large logos or writing.

3. Being too matchy – everyone wearing matching white T-shirts and jeans is not very natural looking and it’s a little over-done!

4. Too much black/dark clothing.



1. Feel free to wear clothing that suits your personality – after all, we want to capture the real you!

2. Wear complementing colours.

3. It’s lovely for girls and women to wear a dress or skirt as a feminine contrast to the male’s pants.Dresses can look particularly stunning in silhouettes or blowing in the wind.

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Don’t forget accessories.
Accessories not only add to your outfit but they can be fun to use in photos. Have the man wear a tie for the woman to hold. Necklaces for the kids to play with or hats to hide behind.


Plan ahead.
Once you book your session, start thinking of the clothes right away. You may think certain clothes will fit your kids or that one dress is clean. If you wait until the day of or day before you may run into an issue of clothes not fitting, being dirty or need to be dry cleaned.

The best photographs are often the ones where everyone is engaged or interacting with each other.  Understand that not every picture needs to have everyone looking at the camera and smiling at the same time.  If you are engaged as a family and loving on each other, your eyes will be on your family members and your smile with be natural.  These are the photographs that you will cherish most because they depict your family connection and your love. Don’t be afraid to pick up your children and toss them in the air.  Give your wife a sweet kiss on the check.  Tell your husband how much you love him and appreciate him for being there for your family.  Have fun.  Laugh. Giggle. Joke. Embrace.  Kiss.  Snuggle.  Play.  Doing these things will allow me to capture the emotion and true beauty of your family.  Leave the stiff “cheese” faces for Aunt Marge at the next family reunion.  Show your photographer who you really are, so that he has the opportunity to capture your love through his lens.


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