Family photos in Aruba

February 1, 2016
Family Photos in Aruba

Family photos in Aruba? A must have!

It was raining in Aruba, but that wasn’t an excuse to stop us from taking beautiful family pictures.
We started the photo session at the Marriott Surf Club Aruba.

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These boys are always ready for pictures, I mean, look at how handsome they look!IMG_3048-940x627 Family photos in Aruba Lifestyle

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We headed to the beach and as you can see the boys were fascinated!IMG_3135-940x627 Family photos in Aruba Lifestyle

Arubaaaaa!IMG_3149-940x627 Family photos in Aruba Lifestyle

Tracee, I loved having the honour of documenting your family trip in Aruba, it was an honour, really!IMG_3155 Family photos in Aruba Lifestyle

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