#9 – Why You Need a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Business With Susan Jimenez

June 23, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

Susan Jimenez is a video strategist, personal brand expert with video marketing, and she also teaches camera confidence.  She’s been doing production videos since 2003 and though so much has evolved over time, there are so many new mediums and social media platforms these days. However, storytelling has never gone, and finding your voice, using authenticity to share your video style is more important than ever.

Susan helps coaches, course creators, busy female entrepreneurs get unstuck with video marketing overwhelmed by sharing her insights on how storytelling and finding your video style can be your roadmap to being more visible with video so that you can leverage video marketing to get quick results and make more revenue. But also how to create authenticity content with intention so that it is worth the follow and get you leads.

In this episode of the Steven de Cuba Podcast, Susan talks about the reasons why you need a video marketing strategy for your personal brand. She also talks some ways we can show up on Instagram live, repurpose content and so much more. Listen to this episode on Apple Podcast, Spotify or go to Anchor to find your favourite Podcast distributor.

Follow Susan on Instagram or visit her website here.

Cover-4-1 #9 - Why You Need a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Business With Susan Jimenez Podcast