#8 – COVID-19 and My Business (an inside look)

June 16, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

When I first started this podcast, my goal was to be more open and transparent with you. I want to share what are the things that I’m going through as a business owner and I want to share my journey with you. I’m by no means an expert. I’m just a passionate entrepreneur who is trying his best and by sharing my story I’d like to let you know that you’re not alone.

Honestly, I waited so long to record this episode. Because I didn’t know what I wanted to share, to begin with. This episode is about my story. My journey. What I’ve been through. This is not an inspirational episode nor a sobbing story. This is me just being open with you.

Cover-3 #8 - COVID-19 and My Business (an inside look) Podcast

Okay, so when I first heard about the virus. It was in the last week of February. 

By this point, I’m working part-time as a marketing specialist at a ThePerfectWedding.nl, I’m a student and also a wedding photographer. As a business owner, my biggest revenue stream is weddings. 

By March 9, the Prime Minister announced that hand-shaking has been banned and people in Noord Brabant should work from home. And 3 days later, it was extended to the whole country. 

This is where I started to be less sceptical about this virus. Because, honestly, I was one of those guys that thought it was a simple flue that was getting too much attention because of the media. But after reading, researching and trying to understand what’s going on, you definitely start having a different opinion/perspective. 

On March 12, gatherings of more than 100 people were banned. And this is where Steven de Cuba the business owner, got worried.

In the Netherlands, we have low and high seasons for weddings. High season usually starts around April and ends around October. That means that from October to March, there’s not a lot of weddings happening.

So by this point, I just came from a low season and was getting ready for the high season. But in one week. Everything got cancelled.

I started to receive so many emails from my couples that wanted to reschedule their wedding to 2021. That’s not bad news, because at least they’re still getting married. However, that leaves 2020 with no revenue at all! 

On top of that, remember when I told you that I had a part-time job as a marketing specialist at a wedding agency? Well, my first lesson here was to not have different revenue streams only in one industry.  That was my case, I was a wedding photographer and a marketing specialist in the same industry. On top of that, my part-time contract was ending in June and I heard from my colleagues that the contracts that were ending will not be renewed. That was my case too…

On May 8th, I wrote this on Instagram:

Can I be honest with you? This week has been one of the hardest weeks, ever.

I lost, what I used to call, my dream job. And went from being completely booked with weddings for 2020 to only having one confirmed. This pandemic has definitely made a spin on the wedding industry.

It’s a horrible feeling of uncertainty.

I’m not sure how I’m going to figure this out. But, I will.

One day, I will look back at this day and I will remind myself that everything that is happening in my life right now, is preparing me for something bigger.

Let’s focus on the positive things, shall we?

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Can I be honest with you? This week has been one of the hardest weeks, ever. I lost, what I used to call, my dream job. And went from being completely booked with weddings for 2020 to only having one confirmed. This pandemic has definitely made a spin on the wedding industry. It’s a horrible feeling of uncertainty. I’m not sure how I’m going to figure this out. But, I will. One day, I will look back at this day and I will remind myself that everything that is happening in my life right now, is preparing me for something bigger. On the other hand, I‘m focusing on things that bring me joy and that fuels my creative fire; podcast recording, connecting with old friends and taking some time to focus on my mental health. Let’s focus on the positive things, shall we?

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There were days that I was tired, crying and frustrated with what was happening. But, during those times, I reminded myself of how lucky I actually am. That everything that is happening in my life right now is preparing for something.

I also reminded myself that my problems are so small comparing to other’s people problem. My problems were luxury problems. So, that shifted my mindset to be more grateful for the things that I have.

Because if you’re not thankful for the things that you’ve right now in your life. How do you expect to be thankful for the things that you don’t have yet but are trying to get? Friends, you will only attract more things in your life, if you are thankful for the things that you already have.

I took some time to reflect, to Facetime my parents, with my family, to check-in with old friends, to be creative with my content… and to start this Podcast.

This Podcast was created during quarantine and here we are. 

Now, I want to talk about the things I did as a business owner that has changed my business as well. Again, this Podcast is about entrepreneurship and I want you to get something valuable from every episode too.

So, as a photographer, I launched my own webshop on my website. Here, I launched my 12 pack Lightroom Mobile Presets. These are 12 unique Lightroom presets for mobile that is inspired by the vibrant colours of the One Happy Island Aruba. I also opened my Etsy account, my own shop on my website and I started making some money.

Now, 3 months later I’ve started to get more inquiries for branding photoshoot

They’re lowering the restrictions, so now more people are interested in planning personal branding photoshoot. If you are a business owner, or not, my friend, you should plan a personal branding photoshoot. A personal branding photoshoot will help you show up with high-quality images online.

Friends, we’re in 2020, we need to have good photos online! If you want to check out how to plan your photo shoot, make sure you check out episode 6: How to plan your personal branding photoshoot. Here I guide you through a complete step-by-step process on planning your shoot.

But, let’s go back to the main story on this episode: COVID 19.

Currently, we’re slowly getting out of quarantine in The Netherlands, restaurants are getting open, there’s more public transportation (of course you have to wear a mask), but things are slowly reopening. 

For my business, it means that I’d have to work really hard to start booking more sessions and start filling back my calendars. I’m still a work-in-progress, but in 6 months from now, I’m going to listen back to this episode, and I’m going to have a LIST of the things that I’ve learned and accomplished. 

Friend, we’re going to surpass this. It’s not a matter of IF we’re going to make. It’s a matter of WHEN we’re going to make it. Let’s use this time to be creative, to make mistakes, to learn from those mistakes and to be a better human. You have the power in your hands to say that you learned something or that this whole pandemic was a failure in your life.


If you say you learned something. You’re right.

If you say this sucks and you’re a failure. Guess what? You’re also right.

So, what are you choosing today friend?
