#59 – The number one thing that every successful entrepreneur has (it’s not what you think!)

June 1, 2021
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

As a business student, I had the opportunity to go abroad for a semester for an exchange program.

As a student, I was excited. But, as an entrepreneur that is building a business in the Netherlands, I was afraid of being away for 6 months.

Not only because I had ZERO connections in Madrid, but also because I felt like I was starting back from scratch.

I didn’t know anyone there, I was primarily there for my studies and quickly my photography business felt like it was on a pause.

But there’s one thing that I had that I believe made all the difference. That is commitment.

I was committed to making it work.

I was committed to showing up from my business.

And I was committed to reaching out to strangers.

… And that’s what I did.

I started to use Instagram to reach more wedding vendors and couples that might be getting married soon in Madrid, and I was reaching out to them, via Instagram DM’s.

I told myself, for every NO that I get, that is proof that I’m closer to my YES.

steven_de_cuba_photography_0028-1920x1280 #59 - The number one thing that every successful entrepreneur has (it's not what you think!) Podcast

One of the biggest mistakes that I see most struggling entrepreneurs make when first starting their business is that they give external circumstances more power than their ability to commit to their business.

The problem with this is that if you’re waiting until you have everything perfect, or for the perfect timing, how much longer are you going to wait?

Commitment is a word that gets throws around really easily. But what is really being committed to something?

The barriers to starting your own business are low, but the barriers to maintaining a successful business are high.

Some people commit to posting on Instagram with consistency, but only do it for a week and then later they go back to their same way. And then they complain because they’re not getting the results that they want.

The one thing that every successful entrepreneur has is commitment and integrity.

  • Commitment is refusing to give up, pushing to the limit, wiping the sweat off the face in order to make a better tomorrow. Making things happen come hell or high waters.
  • Integrity means honoring your word. Do what you said you’re going to do.
steven_de_cuba_photography_0112-1920x1283 #59 - The number one thing that every successful entrepreneur has (it's not what you think!) Podcast

When I first launched my online program, the Intentional Personal Branding Program, the first thing that I did was setting a deadline of launching the product… even without having it all perfect!

Integrity means that whatever happens, I need to launch on my deadline come hell or high waters.

  • I remember my first launch, I actually spend more money on Instagram and Facebook ads than I actually made.
  • In my second launch, I made over 5,000 euros.
  • And the third launch I made over 17,000 euros.

The biggest thing that I’ve learned is that if you don’t make it happen, it will never land in your hands. If you’re committed to making it happen, it will happen. 

Success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up with goals so strong that obstacles, failure, and loss only act as motivation.

Today you have a choice: if you’ve been through a lot of ups and downs in your business, I want to let you know that you’re not alone. But also, that your success is on the other side of consistency.

It doesn’t matter what happened in the past, or what MIGHT happen in the future, what matters the most is how you show up today.

And every single day, every single morning, you have the opportunity to say that “TODAY IS GOING TO BE A GOOD DAY. Today is going to be the day that I’m going to show up for my business regardless of the odds stacked against me.”

You always have that choice. What are you choosing?

Instagram-Academy-Launch-Resources-1-1 #59 - The number one thing that every successful entrepreneur has (it's not what you think!) Podcast

The enrollment for the Instagram Academy is open 24 more hours! You can still join!

This is the step-by-step program to help you get more followers, attract more leads on Instagram, and turn your audience into customers.

If you’re looking for a step-by-step program to help you get more followers, create conversations on Instagram, and turn your audience into customers, then the Instagram Academy is for you. 

Join other small business owners who have learned how to show up more consistently online, how to attract the right type of followers, and how to use Instagram to increase their sales.

Head to stevendecuba.com/enroll for more information.
