#57 – How to build a money-making personal brand on Instagram

May 18, 2021
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

In this episode, you’re going to learn how to build a powerful personal brand on Instagram so that you can easily turn your followers into paying customers.

What is it about other people in your industry that might be doing somewhat of what you’re doing and still can charge double or triple than you?

What is it about Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony Robbins or Oprah Winfrey that as soon as you hear their names, you already know who I’m talking about.

Well, they all have a strong personal brand

Today, you’re going to learn the biggest mistakes most entrepreneurs are making on Instagram that are costing them a lot of money.

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If you’re struggling to build a strong personal brand on Instagram, and you’re not getting the results that you want, listen up!

Most struggling entrepreneurs feel overwhelmed in their business when it comes to showing up on Instagram more strategically.

  • They have no idea what to post, what to say, or how to say it.
  • They’re horrible at planning
  • Or they feel awkward talking to their phone.

If this is you, I want you to know that you’re not alone.

You might start telling yourself different stories that honestly don’t make you feel any better, and before you know it, you give up *again* another day of posting on Instagram. (and growing your business)

Perhaps you’ve already tried using social media in the past, and it didn’t work, or perhaps it’s because someone else is doing it better than you.

The fact is that there will always be someone out there that is doing something better than you.

At every level of your business, there’s someone that is doing a better job and others that are doing a mediocre job.

Your job is not to focus on what other people are doing.

Your job is to show up for your customers.

Personal branding is not about you. It’s about putting your stamps on the value you deliver to others. –William Arruda.

The fact that you’ve tried to build your personal brand in the past, and it didn’t work, means that you need to start acting differently.

Albert Einstein describes insanity as the act of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. That’s insanity.

But in order to see a different result, you need to start acting differently.

It’s just like a video game, you start at level one, and then you get to level number two. When you get to level number ten, the strategy that worked at level one, won’t work here.

You need to try different strategies in order to see different results.

Now, you might be asking yourself: Why on social media?

Well, number one: because it’s for free.

In order to use Instagram or Facebook, you don’t need to pay anything. You just need to register.

But if this doesn’t convince you yet. Let’s take a look at some statistics…

  • There are now 4.2 billion social media users around the world (more than half of the population)
  • The number is growing by 490 million people every year.
  • Instagram accounts for 1 billion users as of Q3 or 2020.
  • Over 200 million users visit at least one business profile daily (Instagram)

These facts are proof that there are opportunities for everyone on Instagram

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The biggest mistakes most people are making on Instagram:

Focused on Vanity Metrics (followers, views, likes)

Most struggling entrepreneurs worry too much about how many followers they have on Instagram, how many views they get on their videos, or how many likes they get.

They have the limiting belief that the more followers they have, the more money they can make.

I understand why they would think that. When we see other business owners or influencers, most of them have a lot of followers, and it’s perceived as that’s the most important factor in building a brand online.

But how many people do you know that have a ton of followers but are NOT making money in their business?

See, most people take it as far as buying fake followers to finally get to the 10K mark, as if that would make a difference. 

I get it, you’ll get the swipe-up feature, but that doesn’t guarantee that your audience will buy from your business.

Instead of worrying about getting more followers, worry about how you can serve your current followers.

Most entrepreneurs use Instagram as a way to sell their services and products instead of building a strong relationship with their audience.

Great companies that build an enduring brand have an emotional relationship with customers that has no barrier. And that emotional relationship is on the most important characteristic, which is trust. – Howard Schultz

In other words: your brand is how you make someone feel.

And if you’re not making pleasant experiences for your audience, they might not have a positive emotion towards your brand.

Once I heard someone say: Your personal brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.

Let me ask you this: would you follow an Instagram account that is ALWAYS selling?

Of course not.

You want to follow an account on social media that either entertains you, educates you, or inspires you to take action.

And that’s exactly why someone would love to follow your account too.

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As an exercise: take a piece of paper and write down 3 to 5 things you want people to say when they look at your Instagram account. How do you want your followers to describe your account? How do you want them to talk about your business? …about you?

This is what we call our branding words. This is something that we talk about in the Instagram Academy course. But when you’re clear on how you want your followers to describe your brand, it makes it easier for you to create different experiences that sparkle those words.

But here’s another problem:

Most entrepreneurs don’t feel like they’re good enough to do it.

Most people don’t make the jump in their business because they feel like their work is not perfect yet – it’s not up to their standard.

I’ve heard entrepreneurs say that they don’t feel enough.

And here’s where I can get a bit woo-woo with you. Because the fact is that YOU ARE enough.

In fact, you’re MORE THAN enough. You’re perfect exactly how you are.

And even if you don’t believe me. Let me put things in perspective for you so that you can understand what I’m talking about.

The probability of you being alive is 400 trillion to 1.

That’s the probability of you being your dad’s sperm cell winning that race.

In other words: you’ve already won. 

You have special skills, talents, and abilities that only YOU have.

You’re unique, and you have a special message to share that only YOU can share.

So next time you doubt your ability to do something big (and uncomfortable) in your life or in your business, this is your reminder that you’ve already won. 

You’ve won the biggest and most important race there is. No one is you, and that is your biggest superpower.

There are 7 spiritual laws of success. The last one, the Law of Dharma, says that we are spiritual beings who have taken physical form to fulfill a purpose. 

And I believe that businesses are the ones that make the biggest impact in this world. 

Everyone has a purpose in life — a unique gift or special talent to give to others.

Imagine how awesome it would be for all of us to build a brand online, use our unique talents to serve humanity, and leave the world way better than what we’ve experienced.

Part of my purpose is to help busy creatives build a brand online, market their services, and grow a successful business doing the things that they love. 

My 10-year vision is to help 10,000 people quit their 9-5 job, build a business of their dreams and experience true time and financial freedom in their life.

And it’s through my online courses is that I fulfill my mission. When I started this new journey of building my brand online, I didn’t know that all of this was possible for me.

But what I’ve learned is that: If you don’t share your ideas, no one will know if they’re any good.

Share your ideas. Put yourself out there. And show up from a place of service for your audience.

Be the person you want to meet.

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. – Oprah Winfrey

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Are you looking for an easy and more effective strategy to build your personal brand on Instagram?

I went to work and I created the Instagram marketing bundle for creative entrepreneurs. In this bundle, you are going to discover how to build a personal brand on Instagram so that you can finally turn your followers into paying customers without having a lot of fun that was and without spending the whole day on your phone.


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