#44- Avoid This Mistake When First Starting Your Business

February 23, 2021
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

One of the common mistakes that a lot of entrepreneurs make when first starting out is that they think they should have a logo, a website, or their branding colors ready, before starting to market their services online.

This is one of the biggest mistakes that you can do and I believe one of the big excuses that many struggling entrepreneurs use to stay in their comfort zone.

Many people like to use the excuse of “not having it all figured out” or “it’s not perfect yet” so they don’t take action at all in their business.

But if you’d like to build a profitable business online, how do you expect people to invest in your business while you’re not taking any action at all to put yourself out there?

How do you expect to position yourself as the authority in your industry because you’re waiting until having it all “perfect”?

Let me ask you this: when you do know when something is 100% perfect? In fact, is your version of 100% perfect the same version for everyone else?

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You might look at something and you might think that it’s not good enough. Perhaps your think your website is not perfect yet while your audience might think it’s fantastic or perhaps a stranger on the internet told you that it’s horrible.

In every situation of your life, there are going to be people that are going to agree and disagree with you. Your job is not to be liked by everyone. Your job is to show up every day for your biggest goals and do whatever it takes to get the result you want.

The fact is that people are going to have an opinion about you regardless of what you do. Why not just do what gives you energy and makes you happy?

I believe that perfectionism is fear of failure disguised as a high standard.

Many people have the fear of failing in their business and that’s why they use perfectionism to keep themselves safe in their comfort zone.

When I launched my online program, I wanted to have it all perfect. I told myself that I needed to have a professional production team to take care of the filming of the course. I told myself that I needed different software to make the program interactive for the members. I told myself that I needed to have a bigger email list and a bigger following on Instagram. I told myself that I needed that blue checkmark next to my Instagram handle so that I can be “legit”.

But what I’ve learned is that, in fact, I don’t need any of these things. And as I look back at that version of myself, I see that what I had was fear.

In reality, I was afraid of making a mistake. I was afraid of putting something out there that people might not be interested in. I was afraid of failure.

So if you’re listening (or reading) to my story. I want to let you know that you are not alone and I know exactly how you feel.

What I’ve learned is that… you’re going to fail.

Failure is inevitable. It’s part of the game. It’s what makes entrepreneurship fun.

However, I don’t want you to look at anything as a failure.

Because failure is a choice.

And whether it feels like it or not, you can always change the way you look at something and change from labeling it as a failure.

Personally, I see failure as an opportunity for growth.

I see failure as proof that I’m closer to my goal.

I see failure as an opportunity to ask for help.

Failure is a beautiful thing if we choose to look at it as a beautiful thing. And if we choose to look at failure as something positive, we open ourselves to learn what there is to learn.

In fact, it takes the same amount of energy to look at something as an opportunity for growth or as a failure.

Again, you have a choice. Which one are you choosing?

steven_de_cuba_photography_0101-1920x1283 #44- Avoid This Mistake When First Starting Your Business Podcast

I have amazing news! I have a date for the registration of my online program, the Intentional Personal Branding Program!

This is the online program that helps busy creatives build a personal brand on social media so that they can turn their passion into a profitable business.

My 10-year vision to help 10,000 people quit their 9-5 job and build a business of their dreams that gives them the financial freedom to do what they want. I’m honored to say that I’ve helped already 2 members achieve that goal… 9998 more to go!

This is a 12-week intensive group coaching program that gives you the exact tools and strategy to build a brand online, attract more leads and convert more sales.

The waitlist to the IPB 2021 is now open for enrollment. All you have to do is head to stevendecuba.com/waitlist to be the first one notified as soon as I open the doors.
