#42 – 3 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Post

February 9, 2021
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

One of the common mistakes that I see a lot of struggling entrepreneurs do is that they spend most of their time creating new content rather than promoting their content.

Not only is this one of the most common mistakes, but also one of the easiest ways to get overwhelmed in your business… and sadly, a lot of people get there.

‘Creative funk ever heard of it?

A creative funk is when it feels ‘yucky’ to create content.

You have no creativity, you don’t know what to talk about or you’re not sure what to post next, so you end up not posting at all.

Most people think that they should spend most of their time creating new content to attract more eyeballs to their business and this will help them grow a successful business online.

That’s far from the truth.

Today, I’m going to share with you how you can work smarter and not harder. I’m going to show you how you can leverage all of your pieces of content so you can reach more people, have a bigger impact, and spend less time trying to figure out what to post next.

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It’s not about how much more content you create. It’s about how good you are at promoting your content.

Because what’s the point of creating new content without having anyone to see what you’re creating.

See, in the Intentional Personal Branding Program–my brand new online course that I’ve launched in November 2020– I teach my students the principles of working smarter and not harder.

In the course, I talk about how we can use the Pareto Principle in content marketing and how to spend less time creating new content and more time promoting your pieces of content.

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes (the “vital few”).

The Pareto Principle is related to content marketing because as a whole, you can expect nearly 80% of results from content marketing to come from nearly 20% of your efforts.

Keep in mind that these metrics aren’t universally applicable to all industries, businesses, or content types. Rather, it’s a conceptual benchmark that nearly all businesses should try to emulate.

One way that you can spend most of your time working smarter and not harder is by repurposing your content.

Repurposing your content means that you’re going to get one of your old and best performing content and give it a freshen-up.

Perhaps a freshen-up means that you’re going to promote it again on other platforms, maybe it means that you’re going to find a new way of distribution, or perhaps it means that you’re going to write it again and update pictures.

Whatever it is, today I want to share with you 3 ways that you can repurpose your blog post in less than 30 minutes.

But before giving you the different ways to repurpose your blog posts, I want to talk about the benefits of having a blog post in the first place.

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Most of my students have asked me “Steven, do I need a blog? Does it make sense right now to have a blog? or should I only promote my services on social media?”

My real answer is that I don’t have the right answer. Because I don’t believe that everyone should have a blog if it doesn’t make sense for their business.

Perhaps you’re better at video than writing, I’d say start a YouTube channel.

But my answer always comes from two things:

  1. Know what would work best for your business by understanding your target market and what feels aligned with you.
  2. Understanding the difference between searchable content and stumble-upon content.

Searchable content is the content that you see on Google, YouTube, and Pinterest. These are content that people search for them.

For example, someone can search “How to use Photoshop” on Google and they will find a lot of answers. These are all content that people search for. YouTube and Pinterest work this way, they are search engines.

Instagram and Facebook, on the other hand, have stumble-upon content. These are content that people are not searching for, but they see it as they are scrolling through their timeline.

The magic happens when you combine searchable and stumble-upon content in your marketing strategy.

The benefit of having a blog is that the content lives on your own website and you’re in complete control of your website. The downside is that if you’re just starting out, perhaps you don’t have a lot of traffic on your website.

But if you only use, let’s say Instagram and Facebook, to market your business, you don’t have complete ownership of your followers.

Meaning, if one day Instagram of Facebook goes down like it did four times in 2019, does that mean that your business will also go down? I don’t want that for you.

I want you to use your blog to have your original content uploaded, where you have complete ownership of the content. And use social media to either drive traffic to your website or deliver the content in different ways.

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The Benefits of Repurposing Your Blog Post

  1. You reach more people that may have not read your blog post.
  2. You create more doors to your website for people to find you.
  3. You give your audience that might not like to read the opportunity to consume your content in other ways.

Just see people like Gary Vaynerchuk, he has a personal videographer that follows him everywhere and a complete content production team constantly repurposing his content.

He has a YouTube channel with almost 3 million subscribers, he has a Podcast with over 15-thousands reviews and a blog where he shares different blog posts.

What I’ve found interesting is that the content that you will find on his Podcast is a repurposed audio version of one of his YouTube videos. And on his blog, he shares the same content and embeds the YouTube video too.

Gary Vaynerchuk understands the power of content marketing and respects each platform to connect with his audience.

Because here’s the thing: not everyone likes to consume content the same way.

Some people like to consume content by watching a video, others might like to hear only the audio version as they’re working out and others like to read a blog post before going to bed.

Our job as business owners is not to tell our audience how they should consume our content. Rather, give them more opportunities to consume your content. Here are 3 ways on how you can repurpose your blog post online.

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3 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog post:

Go live on Instagram or Facebook and talk about what you wrote.

Create a new spin on it or invite a guest to talk more about the topic. It’s a new way of delivering the content but essentially the same content.

For example: if you have a scented candle business and you write a blog post about your top 3 favorite senses and then you go live on Instagram and talk about it again, but this time you can actually show the candle live – it’s a completely different content from your blogpost but at the same time the same content 😉

Not only that but after going live on Instagram you can save the live session as an IGTV video and BOOM– another piece of content!

Take small snippets of the blogpost and create 3-5 different Instagram and Facebook posts.

Another way you can repurpose your content online is by creating graphs that give your audience the main points of what you talked about on your blog.

Perhaps it means that you’re going to create graphs on Canva related to your blog post and use templates to make your content more attractive.

You can also share the URL to your #linkinbio on Instagram. Perhaps you can also share a preview of your blog post with a link on your Facebook Page

Send your email subscribers a snippet of what you wrote with a call-to-action to your website.

Another great way to send more traffic to your website is by emailing your subscribers. These are the people that have already opted-in to your freebies or any lead magnet, which means that they’ve already told you in the past that they’re interested in your content.

Create a teaser that doesn’t give up too much away but still piques interest in reading the complete blog post with your subscribers and create a call-to-action (CTA) to your website. This way you will direct more traffic to your website.

If you want to learn more about how you can repurpose your content on social media so you can reach more people, attract your tribe, and make more sales, I’ve created a guide just for you!

The Entrepreneurial Guide on Repurposing Your Content on Social Media. Click here to download the guide for FREE.

Blogpost-Freebie #42 - 3 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Post Podcast