#37 – How to Stop Playing Small with Daniela KuRa

November 26, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

I cannot contain my excitement right now. I’ve been waiting for this moment for MONTHS!

Popping-Bottle #37 - How to Stop Playing Small with Daniela KuRa Podcast

Last August, I opened the enrollment to the Intentional Personal Branding Program for a small group of people to go through the complete course, apply the strategy, and give me their feedback. These are my Founding Members. I’ve taken their feedback and used it to polish what’s inside the course to absolute perfection.

The result? The Complete Step-by-Step Process of Intentionally Building a Personal Brand on Social Media >>>>>

Daniela KuRa, is one of the Founding Members of the Intentional Personal Branding Program and today’s she’s sharing her story on how she went from having no clients, no products, no pricelist, nada at all, to making 1500 euros in 48 hours. 

In this episode:

  • Daniela describes her thoughts that went through her head before jumping into the program.
  • How serendipity had a huge impact on her success.
  • How she made 1500 euros in 48 hours after a group coaching call.
  • The 3 biggest take-aways of the Intentional Personal Branding Program for Daniela.
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I love her story so much not because of the impressive numbers but because of what these results represent. 

⇒ Security and resiliency at a time when so much around us feels uncertain.

⇒ People around the world finding solutions and support when they need it most — even when much of the world is in lockdown.

⇒ The ability for so many talented go-getters to be able to do what they love for a living.

I could go on and on but I’ll stop because your success is 100% unique to you. 

Whatever your why is for building a brand on social media, it is so within your reach.

The lessons and one-of-a-kind support you’ll find in this program will help you get there. 

“But, what if I don’t have enough followers, Steven?”   <<< —- you

If you’ve got a small but mighty community and you’re wondering how to grow it with future customers and raving fans – today might be your lucky day!

When you join the Intentional Personal Branding Program before 23:59 (CET) TONIGHT you’ll get 1x ticket to my upcoming virtual event—  Instagram Reels for Business: Discover How to Use Instagram Reels to Get More Traffic to Your Business and Make more Sales (€97 Value)

It’s time to turn your Instagram account into a business-growin’ machine… without worrying about how many followers you have or having a #perfectfeed.

If you’re ready to stop wasting your time on Instagram and start seeing real results – like more customers, clients, leads, or inquiries – this is for you! 
INTRODUCING: The Intentional Personal Branding Program >>>>>

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Today is a big deal, friend. 

Because today could be the day you bet on yourself and believe in your ability to be your own favorite success story. 

Join The Intentional Personal Branding Program today and get 1x Ticket to my virtual event: Instagram Reels for Business bonus before it disappears tonight! >>> 

To your big and ambitious dreams.

Much love,

