#36 – How to Let Go of Your Limiting Beliefs around Money with Jasmine Star

November 24, 2020

Growing up, I was taught by my parents that the only way to make more money is by climbing the corporate ladder and building years of experience at one job.

I didn’t know any different and I don’t blame them either. That’s what they were taught, too. 

As I started my business, I’ve learned that in order to grow a multi-million dollar business, I need to first start with my mindset. I had to change my belief system around money and around deserving more money.

I had the limiting belief that because I’m young, I’m not deserving of making a lot of money.

But those are just that, limiting beliefs.

In order to actually make more money in my business, I need to let go of these limiting beliefs.

In this episode, I have a chat with my business mentor Jasmine Star around her experience building a photography business and later pivoting into education. There’s so much value in this conversation and I can’t wait to have you listen.

If you’re ready to embark on this beautiful journey with other creative entrepreneurs. I’d like to invite you to sign up for my FREE Masterclass: Discover How to Build a Personal Brand on Social Media so You can FINALLY Turn Your Passion into a Profitable Business!

And just for showing up LIVE, you’ll receive a FREE BONUS: Instagram Story Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs.

In this FREE guide, you’ll learn the most important factor when creating Instagram Story for your business, how to make sure your content is engagement-worthy, and how to encourage your audience to finally start engaging with your account.

The ONLY way to get this guide is by joining me LIVE for my brand-new masterclass next week, and spots are already filling up fast!

Show up live for my masterclass, get the FREE Instagram Story Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs, and stop throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to promoting your biz!

Register for the masterclass here >>>> stevendecuba.com/masterclass  <<<<

Spilling_Secrets-1-3 #36 - How to Let Go of Your Limiting Beliefs around Money with Jasmine Star Podcast
