#35 – Should You Start a Business in 2020? Interview with Juliette Oden

November 19, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

“I took a leap of faith, I started my business this month and I already have a few clients. “

Before joining the program, I felt like “is this going to be the rest of my life? Is this it? Do I want this?”. It felt like everybody lived the same life: working during the week and going out during the weekends. But then I asked, “Why would we do that?”.

After the course, my plan was so clear. I had to write stuff down, create some goals, and I realized “I can do this!”. I visualized my life while doing the course and I realized that this is not rocket science.  I took a leap of faith, I started my business this month and I already have a few clients. 

I don’t want to give away things from your course, but you learn so much about the steps you have to take, the things you should be thinking about, and what you shouldn’t be wasting time doing.  Every day I go back to the course and I use different things that I’ve learned and plan my next step.  

I was a social media manager in the past and even though I know a lot already, I still learned a lot from you because you have a different perspective and you’re more focused on your own profile. I got a lot of new information from the course and I feel ready to kick ass on Instagram!

– Juliette Oden, Marketing Consultant.

Podcast-Cover-3 #35 - Should You Start a Business in 2020? Interview with Juliette Oden Podcast

In this episode, Juliette shares with you her experience with The Intentional Personal Branding Program and how she said “F#CK it, I’m going to start my business” despite the odds stacked against her.

If you’re ready to embark on this beautiful journey with other creative entrepreneurs. I’d like to invite you to sign up for my FREE Masterclass: Discover How to Build a Personal Brand on Social Media so You can FINALLY Turn Your Passion into a Profitable Business!

And just for showing up LIVE, you’ll receive a FREE BONUS: Instagram Story Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs.

In this FREE guide, you’ll learn the most important factor when creating Instagram Story for your business, how to make sure your content is engagement-worthy, and how to encourage your audience to finally start engaging with your account.

The ONLY way to get this guide is by joining me LIVE for my brand-new masterclass next week, and spots are already filling up fast!

Show up live for my masterclass, get the FREE Instagram Story Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs, and stop throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to promoting your biz!

Register for the masterclass here >>>> stevendecuba.com/masterclass  <<<<

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