#34 – How much is too much on Instagram?

November 17, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

Ever spend hours thinking of clever ways to promote your business on social media but your results are still crickets?

Instagram Story is the most effective way to build relationships with your audience, build trust, and convert your followers into paying customers.

Do you know what’s the most important factor on social media? Engagement.

And if you’re not connecting with your followers every single day, don’t expect them to engage with your account.

The problem is that a lot of people have no idea how to leverage engagement on Social Media.

But, not you!

In this FREE guide, you’ll learn the most important factor when creating Instagram Story for your business, how to make sure your content is engagement-worthy, and how to encourage your audience to finally start engaging with your account.

The ONLY way to get this guide is by joining me LIVE for my brand-new masterclass this week, and spots are already filling up fast!

Show up live for my masterclass, get the FREE Instagram Story Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs, and stop throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to promoting your biz!

Register for the masterclass here >>>> stevendecuba.com/masterclass  <<<<

Present_Swapping-1 #34 - How much is too much on Instagram? Podcast

I was in Haarlem doing a photoshoot and I was talking to someone about Instagram…

“How many followers do you have?”, he asked

“I have around 3000 followers”,I responded.

He said: “Oh I have 10,000 followers”.

But when I went to check how much engagement they were getting – the numbers didn’t make sense…

  • On average they were getting around 25 likes per post.
  • 1 to 3 different comments, most of them just emojis.
  • their last post was like 3 weeks ago.

Are you going to tell me that you have over 10,000 followers and you’re not getting at least 50 likes?! That’s suspicious.

I went and I dogged deeper. And what I found completely blew my mind.

I went to their followers and see what type of accounts were following their account– I discovered that most of these accounts were bots.

“Bots? What do you mean BOTS!?”   <<— this is you.

I’ve noticed that the majority of their followers were fake accounts. Meaning, these people were buying followers to increase their followers amount and reach the 10K mark.

I believe that this is a big fat mistake.

Now, I do understand that most people want to reach the 10K mark so that they can use the swipe up feature on Instagram stories. However, what they don’t realize is that this is hurting your account more than it’s actually helping it.

What most of these companies that sell followers do is that they use softwares to create a bunch of fake accounts and make these accounts follow your account. However, these are fake accounts.

And do you know what’s the most important factor on Instagram? Engagement.

The Instagram Algorithm favors likes, comments, re-shares and views. In other words: engagement.

However, since these followers are from fake accounts– meaning there’s no real human-being behind that account– they will not engage with your account.

I’m not sure about you, but I’m not here to be more famous. I honestly don’t like to use social media for my personal life. I only use it for business. However I understand how I can leverage it for my brand.

My goal is not to be famous, my goal is to be profitable.

If your followers are not engaging with your content, how do you expect to grow your account? How do you expect to make money?

Now, let me share some stats with you:

Instagram’s average engagement rate across all industries is 1.60%.

Meaning that if you have 1000 followers, an average of 10 people might engage with your content. (Whoaaaaa?!)

And as more people keep joining the platform, the lower the engagement rate will get.

But it’s our job as business owners to make sure our content is engagement-worthy so that our audience can like, comment, share it on their story and more people see our content.

Our job as business owners is to make sure our content is engagement worthy.

Because when your followers engage with your account, more people are going to see your post, and when more people see your post, you’re going to get more engagement. It’s just like a snowball effect. It keeps going.

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How do you create engagement-worthy content?

The mistake that a lot of people make is that they think that in order to grow on Instagram, you need to create more content. But that’s a big fat mistake!

The truth is that it’s not about posting more, it’s about posting the right type of content.

The first step is to understand who you’re serving.

You can start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Who are you doing this for?
  • What’s the problem that your ideal customer is dealing with?
  • How does your ideal customer feel as they experience these problems?
  • What solutions can you offer to your ideal customer?
  • What makes you unique to help your ideal customer with their problem?

Once you understand who you are really serving, it’s far more easy to create content that speaks directly to those problems.

And as you create content around their problem, you’re going to start attracting those people.

Your job is to serve your client as much as you can so that you can start positioning yourself as the go-to for your audience.

It’s faaaaaaaar more easy to make a sale when you’ve already laid a foundation of what you can offer to your audience for free FIRST – then ask for a sale.

This is the law of reciprocity: the more you give to someone for free, the more they feel like they have to give back something to you.

So show up, give your audience solutions to their problems, let them know how you can help them and provide a complete experience online of what they can expect when they work with you.

The next step is to identify how much posts per week works for you.

I’ve heard a lot of social media strategists that says you need to hustle, post more, do more etc.

And I don’t completely agree with that.

The way I see getting result on social media is the same way I see getting results at the gym.

If I go to the gym 3 times per week and you go to the gym 5 times per week. Who do you think it’s going to get results faster? You of course.

Now, I’m not saying you need to post 7 times per week to see better results. However, if you want to grow a brand online and your last post was 3 weeks ago and you’re complaining that Instagram doesn’t work for you, then we have to have another conversation there.

Personally, I’ve chosen to show up on social media 5 to 6 times per week. That means I’m showing up on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, or TikTok.

You might hear that and say, wait what?! That’s a lot!

And the truth is that it really is not a lot.

However, I have a strategy that makes sure that I’m showing up on social media with consistency and stay top of mind with my ideal customer.

Because the next time my ideal customer thinks about needing a photographer or a business strategist, the first person that they’re going to think about is Steven de Cuba.

Why? Because I’ve shown up every single day online and serve my audience without any expectation. It’s on them. When they’re ready to book me, they will come.

My goal is to be consistent with my content. And if you’re wondering how to be consistent with your content, I have really amazing news for you!

Because on the 25th of November 2020, I’m hosting a brand new masterclass: Discover How to Build a Personal Brand on Social Media so That You Can turn Your Passion into a Profitable Business!

(without having a lot of followers and without spending the whole day on your phone!)

To register for this free masterclass head to stevendecuba.com/masterclass and reserve your seat today.

Oh and btw, just for showing up live on the 25th of November, I’m giving you a FREE BONUS The Instagram Story Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs. This free guide will give you everything you need to leverage Instagram story, get more eyeballs on your business and make more sales.

The only way to get this free guide is by showing up live to my masterclass>>> stevendecuba.com/masterclass

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Loving Kick in the Pants:

You don’t have to have it all figured out.

You don’t have to show up every single day.

You don’t have to appeal to everyone.

You don’t have to have it all perfect.

You have to just start.

There are millions of things conspiring in your favor to get you closer to your inevitable success.


Go all in. Push in those cards. Throw in the chips.


Your time has come so let’s play big.
