#31 – The secret to making more money

October 27, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

Growing up, I was taught by my parents that the only way to succeed and have a lot of money is by climbing the corporate ladder and building years at one job.

I don’t blame them. My dad has over 25 years of experience at one job and my mom is a full-time housewife for over 23 years. That’s the only thing they know. 

I grew up in a small city, San Nicolas, where everyone in the neighbourhood worked at a 9-5 job and entrepreneurship wasn’t even a thing. 

Heck, I didn’t even know anyone in my family that was an entrepreneur.

Growing up, I remember I slowly started to adopt these limiting beliefs as my reality:

  • I need to work hard for money
  • Only people that are born into a rich family can have an abundance of money.
  • I’m part of the minority, therefore I don’t deserve a lot of money
  • I need to study a lot to make more money. But I also need to get in debt to make it happen. Does this mean that I need to study to pay my debt?
  • The only way to get rich fast was to win the lottery, go to the casino or win at bingo.
  • It’s difficult to make a lot of money as a creative.
  • The only way to make it in life is to play it safe.

These limiting beliefs were being adopted as truth into my life and it completely changed my belief system.

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What are belief systems?

Your belief system is what you believe in. This is in most of the cases influenced by your parents and these are the things you grow up believing that are true.

We know that beliefs are thoughts that you keep thinking. (listen to episode 30, perfectionism: your biggest enemy; where I talk more about it).

But, essentially, beliefs are thoughts that you keep thinking long enough that it becomes the truth, for you.

Regardless of whether it’s real or not, if you keep thinking the same thought, you will convince yourself into believing that it’s the truth. 

Why do we need to question our belief system?

The reality is that these beliefs are adopted by your parents by their parents, and so on. Meaning, your belief system might not necessarily be the truth, and if you don’t question it, you’re going to keep on believing these beliefs and live your life accordingly.

Most people don’t question their belief system because it makes them uncomfortable to believe that reality might be completely different from what they’ve believed for years. 

This is your ego.

Your ego doesn’t want to believe otherwise.

The human ego is a mechanism for categorizing information. 

Your ego determines patterns of good or bad experiences, so you can seek pleasure and avoid pain.

The ego is the mind’s identity of our own construction, an identity which is false.

If you have seen that a dog can bite people or you have been bitten yourself, your ego might decide that to avoid pain you must avoid all dogs. 

Once your ego has seen enough evidence to establish a pattern, a belief is formed that “dogs are dangerous”, and then it starts to solidify. 

Your ego then uses future experiences to provide evidence that the belief is valid and discounts any evidence to the contrary. You’re going to adopt the belief that “dogs are dangerous”.

Even when you see your friend playing with her dog, and her dog lick her face and sit playfully in her lap, you’re watching it through a filter that tells you “any minute that dog would bite someone.”

As soon as the doorbell rings and the dog starts barking, you’re running in a panic convinced that it’s coming after you. 

The protection is useful, but quite limiting when you’re trying to change old beliefs or find broader options for your life. 

The problem is that the ego is determined to validate itself, and is not designed to incorporate new information into an established belief.  

So, while you might be faced with clear evidence that “golden retrievers don’t bite” or “some dogs are safe,” your ego is only seeing the barking and the (imaginary) threat to your life. 

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The same goes to my relationship with money, I had the belief that I needed to work hard to make more money. 

And while I might see other people that don’t work hard and still have an abundance of money, my ego was still giving me evidence that I indeed don’t have a lot of money in my bank account therefore I still can’t experience the abundance of money. 

But what I’ve realized is that to attract money, you need to focus on wealth. You need to think in abundance.

It’s impossible to bring more money into your life when you are noticing you do not have enough because that means that you’re thinking thoughts that you do not have enough. 

When you focus on not having enough money, you will create more circumstances in your life of not having enough money.  

You must focus on the abundance of money to bring that back to you.

You really need to call your imagination into play and believe you already have the money you want. 

This is exactly what I do when I start hearing the little voice in my head around my money mindset. And it is so much fun to do.

What I do is that I repeat different affirmations around money:

  • “I’m a money magnet”
  • “Money flows easily to me”
  • “I love money and money loves me”
  • “I have an amazing relationship with money”
  • “I have an abundance of money” 
  • “I’m worthy of the money that I receive”

You will notice as you repeat these affirmations you’re going to instantly start feeling better about money, and as you feel better about it, it will begin to flow into your life. 

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Every human can control their reality because their reality and circumstances are based on their actions. These actions are fueled by their thoughts. 

In other words, our thoughts are the most important thing we have, and the only thing that creates our reality.

Because our thoughts attract what we’re thinking into our life. 

In the book, The Secret, Rhonda says that the only reason any person does not have enough money is that they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts. Every negative thought, feeling, or emotion is blocking your good from coming to you, and that includes money. 

It’s not that the money is kept from you by the Universe, because the money that you want is already out there, there’s an abundance of money for everyone. 

But if you don’t have enough, it’s because you are stopping the flow of money coming to you, and you are doing that with your thoughts.

You must change the story of “I don’t have enough money” to “there’s more than enough money for everyone”. Think more thoughts of abundance than lack, and you will attract more money to you.

Even when you think you need money. The law of attraction will give you more situations where you need the money.

You need to think that there’s an abundance of money and that what you want is already yours. 

One important thing to know is that it’s not our job as human beings to know how the universe will give us what we want.

See, most people don’t believe in the law of attraction because they demand evidence first or ways of how it could be possible for them, before believing it actually is.

But our job is to know what we want and the universe will take care of the how.

I know this because the universe has blessed me in different ways. I can speak for days about my stories when the universe showed me again and again that it got my back. 

But this once specific story I wanted to share with you.

When I finished my studies, I knew I wanted to go all-in with my business. However, as we all know, COVID-19 happened and everything seemed so uncertain that I felt scared to really go all-in.

At the same time, I lost my part-time job the same month, so my big concern was how the heck am I going to pay my rent?!

Honestly, I didn’t know.

I had some savings. But I already had some business projects that I wanted to start and my rent was not going to stop me. (brave, I know).

After weeks of hard work, my company was about to slip through my fingers. And as I needed more money to save my ass, (and to pay my rent), things just got worse.

I started to work on my thoughts, I started to change the story that I was telling myself, and everything in my life–including the state of my company– was totally transformed, because I changed the way I was thinking. 

In 22 days, my business made over 5.8K. Out of nowhere, I’ve received 1500 euros from the government, something to do with my studies, and the next few months have been the best months in my business and life. 

I don’t think this is pure coincidence. I believe that’s the universe’s consistent response to my thoughts. 

Because when I was thinking about needing money, the universe gave more situations to need money.

But when I changed my thinking to the abundance of money, the universe gave me more situations to the abundance of money. 

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If you have held thoughts in the past that the only way money can come to you is by climbing the corporate ladder, by being born in a rich family, or by winning the lottery, then let go of that immediately. 

You can now, today, change that story. 

You now understand that there is an abundance of money for you and it’s not your job to know “how” the money will come to you. It’s your job to ask, to believe you are receiving, and feel happy right now.

Another example is that a lot of people have a goal of getting out of debt. That’s the main reason people will stay in debt forever. Because whatever you’re thinking about, you will attract.

You might say “I’m thinking about getting out of debt!”. And you’re right.

I don’t care if it’s getting out or getting in, if you’re thinking about debt, you’re attracting debt. 

You need to think about the abundance of money. 

If you think about the thought of “I have to work really hard to make more money”, let go of that immediately.

By thinking those thoughts you start operating in that frequency and that becomes the pictures of your life experience. Change this belief by saying “money flows easily to me”.

Knowing this, I want you to focus on thinking happy thoughts instead. Because your thoughts determine how you feel. 

So if you feel bad/sad, check on what you’re thinking and start thinking differently.

Often negative thoughts present themselves when you’re thinking about the future or about the past. 

Overthinking is being scared of the unknown. 

Shift your thinking back to the present. Trick your mind into thinking that what you want is already yours and it already exists. Don’t try to have it all figured out, (you’re thinking about the future), but stay present and operate like it has already happened.

And if you’re still struggling to keep thinking positively around money, accept these thoughts, release them and change these thoughts by repeating that you are a money magnet.

And when you start attracting money to you, you’ll realize that money will not give you happiness.

It’s your act of being happy right now, having the inner joy, the inner peace, the inner vision first, and then all of the outer things will appear.

Everything you want is already out there waiting for you to attract it.

The universe is only responding to your thoughts, so I beg you to please think happy thoughts.

Make it a habit to be happy.

Set reminders on your phone to smile.

Make it a habit to say hello por simply smile with 5 different people a day.

Dance for no reason at all.

Set your thoughts and frequency on happiness and you will experience true heaven on earth.

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Btw, have you heard the news? On 25 November 2020, I’m opening the doors to my brand new program Intentional Personal Branding.

This is 8 years of my own experience, lessons, breakthroughs, and strategies distilled into a clear, step-by-step plan, that you can follow to reach more people and attract more customers!

If you’d like to be the first one notified about this brand new program and how to register, I’ve created a waitlist just for you! 

Head to stevendecuba.com/waitlist, enter your name and email address, and I’ll make sure to send you everything before actually announcing to the public! You get access FIRST because you opted in the waitlist.

Here’s the thing: I’m only inviting a small group of people to join the program because I want it to be intimate. 

So again, head to stevendecuba.com/waitlist and join today!


  • Laila
    November 15, 2020

    Read your content the first time and it was awesome! Pabien! Great job!

  • Steven de Cuba
    November 20, 2020

    Thank you so much, Laila! I appreciate that!
