#30 – Perfectionism: your biggest enemy

October 20, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

Spending 3 months working on your website, choosing your branding color, or designing that perfect logo are the most common and most costly mistakes that you can make in your business when starting out.

Not only are they the most common mistakes, but also the biggest factors that are preventing you from actually growing your brand.

Let me explain…

I know someone that told me back in 2016 that she’s going to create her own website. Today, she’s still giving me the excuse of “not having enough time to actually sit and do it”.

I know someone that told me in the summer of 2019, that she’s going to build her email list so that she can finally launch her brand new course. Today, she’s still giving me the excuse of “not having too many people in her email list”.

I know someone that told me in January 2020, that she’s going to start her own Podcast. Today, she’s still giving me the excuse of “I don’t have the right microphone yet”.

See, most people give themselves the excuse of not being ready, therefore they won’t show up at all for their business.

They give external factors more power than their ability to commit to their business. 

I’ve seen so many people not doing the things that they know they should be doing, not because they’re not qualified to do it, but because they don’t believe they have what it takes to make it happen. They have limiting beliefs that prevent them from actually taking action.

Let’s talk about beliefs…

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Abraham Hicks says: A belief is just a thought.

A belief is just a thought that repeats itself in your head over and over, and over, and over, again.

But it’s just that, a thought.

We create those thoughts, consciously or subconsciously, we start believing these thoughts to be the truth.

Abraham Hicks: 

A belief is only a thought that you keep thinking and the only thing that keeps you from who you really are and what you really want – is a belief which is only a thought that you keep thinking.

If we know that a belief is a thought that we keep thinking and that our thoughts create our reality.

What about thinking a thought that you don’t believe long enough that you start believing it? If a belief is only a thought that you keep thinking, why not think a hopeful thought?

The thing is as human beings we are programmed to think negative thoughts first, or many of us demand evidence first, before believing what it’s possible for us. 

I believe that perfectionism is fear of failure disguised as a high standard.

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A lot of people say things like: 

  • Once I have a certain amount of followers, then I’d be able to actually make a sale on social media.
  • Once I have that yeti mic, then I’d be able to start my Podcast.
  • Once I start working with my ideal customer, then I’ll start promoting my service on social media.

Most people don’t say that they’re afraid of failure or of what other people might think, but they use the excuse of not having it perfect, of not having it to their standards, so they don’t take action at all.

Often when we say we’re unqualified for something, what we’re really saying is that we’re too scared to try it, not that we can’t do it.

Most of the time it’s not a lack of experience that’s holding us back, but rather the lack of commitment to do what we need to do to be successful. 

We put so much energy into coming up with the excuses why we can’t be, do, or have the things we want.

We spend so much time designing the perfect distractions to keep us from our dreams – imagine how far we’d get if we just shut up and used all that energy to go for it instead?

How about we start changing the limiting beliefs we have in our head and start telling ourselves a different story.

Take your power back by repeating “a belief is a thought that you keep thinking”. 

When you choose to take control of your life, you can control your reality. 

Because when you think a thought, it activates a vibration and when a vibration is activated, your point of attraction kicks in. 

So if you keep thinking the same thought, and you keep activating this point of attraction, and law of attraction keeps responding to this active vibration then you’re going to continue to get results, not because they’re true, and not because it is reality, but because it’s law of attraction’s consistent response to a thought that you keep thinking.

If right now, you’re getting results that you don’t want, isn’t it obvious to start identifying what are the thoughts that you keep thinking and begin to think a different thought?

Whatever you’re trying to achieve, whether it’s a business you want to start as soon as you save enough money or starting weekly Instagram live sessions as soon as you have a certain amount of followers… just start already. Now. Ahora. 

You could get run over by the ice-cream man tomorrow. 

Do it today. But please do it.

Do it scary,

Do it messy,

Do it anyhow.

If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.

But the truth is that you’d never know what will happen if you don’t take any action.

If you just sit there and wait for the right moment to FINALLY release your website, your branding or that video you wanted to upload on YouTube, the truth is that it would probably never be the right time.

Do you know any successful entrepreneurs that waited until the right moment? 

Every successful entrepreneur knows that in order to see results in your business, you need to start taking action. 

Whatever it is that you want to do.  It starts with taking the first step.

What if you fail? Well, just Jenn Sincero said, the only failure is quitting. Everything else is just gathering information.

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The 3 Most Important Things Every Entrepreneurs in-the-making Should Do

  1. Know what your limits are.

When you’re working on something or pretending to be working on something, when exactly do you call it a day? When do you know when to stop?

For example, if you’ve been working on your website for about 5 months already, when do you know when it’s time to finally publish that site already? 

When you get clear on how much time you’ll be spending on a specific project, you make sure it’s done in that period of time. If it’s not “perfect”, still publish it. Share it with your audience.Their feedback is going to help you make it better and better. But just start already.

  1. Done is better than perfect.

Nobody cares, and probably won’t even know what your version of 100% perfect is. Your version of 100% could be my version of 50%. And my version of 100% could be your version of 50%.

Honestly, nothing will ever be 100% perfect anyway so you might as well start now.

  1. Own it and make it happen

If you’re the type of person that likes to keep everything until the last minute, why waste your time freaking out while you’re not doing the things you’re supposed to do? Go out, take some rest, have a cocktail on the beach, and when the pressure is on, get down to business. 

Just like Jen Sincero says in her book You Are a Badass, there’s nothing worse than wasting your time pretending to work or stressing out while trying to have fun–no work gets done and no fun is had. 

Figure out how much time you need to get the job done, and go do something else until the clock starts ticking.

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My friend, you are enough. You are worthy. You have a special message to share and only you can share it. People need to hear your message. Give yourself that permission to actually show up for your biggest dreams today. 

I’m rooting for you,

Steven de Cuba
