#27 – Business Advice from a 12-Year-Old Entrepreneur

September 29, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

Aiden is a 12-year-old entrepreneur that started this journey when he was 8.  Now, I remember when I was 8 years old, I was outside playing with mud and playing hide and seek with my neighbours. 

Entrepreneurship? How the heck do you eat that?!

I grew up in a small town in Aruba where entrepreneurship wasn’t a thing. In fact, I grew up in a family that was only taught that a 9-5 job is the way of life. 

But thanks to the internet, I’ve discovered that there’s so much more than having a 9-5 job and building the corporate ladder. 

Basically, I had to figure out all by myself. (thanks to all those all-nighters and YouTube videos that taught me all that I know)

It’s so amazing to see how some entrepreneurs start a really young age and use social media platforms to share their message. When I met Aiden, I knew I wanted him to be on the Podcast.

There’s something about his energy that I believe will inspire a lot of people and I hope you’re one of them. 

Connect with Aiden on Instagram or on his Website

Podcast-Cover-3 #27 - Business Advice from a 12-Year-Old Entrepreneur Podcast