#21 – How to attract your ideal customer to your business

August 18, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

Hey there! 

Before jumping into the episode of today, I’d love to invite you to join me for a VERY SPECIAL and INTIMATE workshop on the topic of building a personal brand on social media. 

Discover How to Build a Personal Brand on Social Media so That You Can FINALLY Turn Your Passion into Profits!

The registration for this webinar is now open and you can sign-up by going to stevendecuba.com/workshop.

Here’s the thing: although it’s going to be online, the seats are still limited to this workshop. I’m only letting a small group of people join.

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Have you ever felt this way?

You’re showing up on social media, you’re posting occasionally, you already have your website online, people are visiting… but still, you’re not working with a certain type of client that will help you take your portfolio to the next level.

I mean, at least you’ve got some followers and people are visiting your website… you’re doing the work!  (give yourself a pat on the back, you’re doing it!)

But, still, you’re not working with your ideal customer.

It’s like you’re always busy, doing all the things, trying to make everyone happy, but at the end of the month, you feel so undervalued. 

Have you ever felt this way? 

Or maybe you feel like there are a lot of other entrepreneurs doing the same thing that you’re doing, maybe they’re doing it better than you, others are doing it worse. 

You see people in your industry undercharging and you think “why would someone pay me this amount of money if they can get it cheaper elsewhere?”

And, on the other hand, you see people doing more than you and having more than you and you wonder How the heck do they do it?!”.

You feel like your industry is highly saturated. It’s like you’ve arrived late to the party, they’ve already sung happy birthday, they’ve already broken the pinata, and in case you’re going to an adult party, they’ve already taken the first round of tequila shots. 

It’s like: “I wish I‘ve arrived earlier!”

Here’s a fact: while you might think that your market is saturated, there are people in your industry that are making more than you, and they might not even be at the same level as you are.

That’s just facts.

As a photographer, I know other photographers that are doing it better than others. Some are making more than others, some are working with their ideal customers and others are struggling to even book their first client. 

Do you think I’m going to stop myself from showing up online because they might be better or because I think they’ve gotten ALL THE CLIENTS? Heck no!

That’s just an opinion!

“Being good” or “being bad” is just an opinion!

You might think my content is not good enough, my friends might think it’s awesome, both opinions matter as equal. So in other words: it doesn’t matter.

What would you think would’ve happened if Steven of 2012, when he first discovered his passion for photography, would’ve stayed in his comfort zone and not shown up for his dreams? What would you think would’ve happened if I didn’t do the work? 

Heck, I don’t even want to know. But what I do know is that I wouldn’t be right here talking to you

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So, by this point, you’re probably asking: “Steven, how did you do it all?”

And the real answer is: I’ve built a brand.

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room”

–– Jeff Bezos

In other words: a brand is how you make someone feel…

A brand is an experience.

Why would someone choose YOU over your competitors? Why would someone choose me as their wedding photographer if there are other photographers doing the same thing? 

Why would someone invest more money in you, drive long hours for you, pay for your flights, book your stays, cover all of your costs, and pay full price for your services? 

Because of… here it comes… YOU!

When you build a brand online you’re going to attract the right people to your account, grow your following and turn your followers into paying customers. 

So, how do you attract your ideal customers to your business? You get clear on your niche!

Because if you’re marketing to everyone, you’re marketing to no one.

You can’t simply be a photographer… think wedding photographer, newborn photographer, senior photos photographer, family photographer, etc.

You can’t simply be a coach… think financial coach, social media coach, #business coach, menopause coach, etc. 

Wanna know more?…

In this episode:

  • 3 Questions You Can Ask Yourself to Start Crafting Your Niche
  • How to choose your brand words.
  • How to grow a personal brand in a highly competitive niche.
  • The important factors you should be looking at as you’re crafting your niche.
  • Identifying the vehicle of your business.
  • How to tailor your marketing to convert followers into paying customers.
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