#19 – 3 Secrets on Building a Personal Brand on Social Media

August 11, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

Hey there! 

Before jumping into the episode of today, I’d love to invite you to join me for a VERY SPECIAL and INTIMATE workshop on the topic of building a personal brand on social media. 

Discover How to Build a Personal Brand on Social Media so That You Can ACTUALLY Start Converting Your Followers into Paying Customers (Without having a lot of Followers… and without spending the whole day on your phone)!

The registration for this webinar is now open and you can sign-up by going to stevendecuba.com/workshop.

Here’s the thing: although it’s going to be an online workshop, the seats are still going to be limited. I’m only letting a small group of people join.

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Did you know that building a personal brand on social media is the best way to build trust with your audience, convert them into leads and ultimately into paying customers?

If you’re looking for a way to build a personal brand online and finally start attracting your ideal customers, then, friend, this might be for you!

Building a personal brand on social media with a strategy gives you the opportunity to work with your ideal customers, to FINALLY be profitable doing your passion, and to make more impact on the world. 

Do you know what happens when you make more impact on the world? You make more money. And when you make more money. You make more impact.

So, if you want to change the world by doing the things that YOU LOVE, you may want to build a brand online.

But, I know what you’re thinking…

How many times have you heard that building a brand on social media takes too much time and energy? 

I’m here to tell you that that’s NOT TRUE. 

Because what you’re saying is that you don’t have time to do it, therefore you can’t show up online.

Does that mean that other people that are showing up on social media and have built a brand online have more time than you? Of course not, we all have 24 hours in our day. 

You might argue “well, yes – but I have a lot of things to do. I’m a single mom, or I’m a student or I have a 9-5 job”. 

Honestly, all I hear is excuses. 

Because you can focus on all the reasons why you can’t show up, or you can choose to focus on how you can show up with consistency, too.

Because what I know is that what you choose to focus on is exactly what is possible for you.

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Take me, for example, I show up with consistency online and I’m not spending the whole day on my phone.

You wanna know my secret? HAVING A STRATEGY.

Building a personal brand on social media is about having a strategy in place and knowing exactly what and WHY you’re doing what you’re doing.

But if you don’t have a strategy, you will never really see results.

It’s the same thing as saying you want to be ripped but you don’t want to go to the gym.

You can’t wish for a nice booty and abs and you’re not going to the gym. 

Your actions must be aligned with your aspirations. 

You can’t wish for a successful business and you’re not showing up with a strategy online.

How do you know if you’re not wasting time on social media?

  • You know exactly what to post, why you’re posting it and who’s supposed to see and read the post
  • You show up from a place of service for your audience and you know exactly how to connect with them.
  • You’re doing the things that are actually growing your account and converting followers into customers.

So, if you think you might not be part of this group. That’s totally fine because in this episode I’m going to share with you 3 secrets on building a personal brand on social media so that you can stop wasting time online and start converting your followers into paying customers.

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3 Secrets on Building a Personal Brand on Social Media

You don’t have to rely on one platform

A lot of struggling entrepreneurs think that investing all of their energy on one platform will make sure they have a successful business. They’re putting all of their energy into one platform and are not really leveraging all the marketing opportunities they have to their disposal.

Chances are they’re going to feel tired and overwhelmed because they’re constantly trying to make new types of content but are seeing little to no results. 

Friends, we have to start looking at social media as a water park. This water park has a lot of different slides and you can use ALL of them for FREE.

The way I see it is, if you choose one platform to focus all of your energy and make sure you have NEW content every single day, then you’re basically saying…

“I’m going to a waterpark and I’m only going to go on ONE slide.”

There’s a lot of other slides in the park available to you, but you’re STILL choosing ONE!

What if you keep going to the same slide over and over again, and suddenly one day that slide got broken. What if you’ve build momentum, on one platform, build a following, created a lot of content, but one day you log in and you realize the platform is broken… or gone… forever?!

Did you know that last year in August, Facebook and Instagram were experiencing an outage in some parts of the world, with users complaining that they were unable to log in, upload pictures, or update their status?

Heck, Facebook and Instagram experienced a major outage in March, as well as two others in April and in July.

So, what would happen if you keep on focusing on ONE platform, let’s say Instagram, and suddenly one day you wake-up to the realization that the platform is gone… forever?

Does that mean that your business is also GONE?! I hope not, friend!

My invitation to you is, how about we start exploring different platforms (hint: explore! …and not have it perfect!) to be more consistent online. How about we start looking for different water slides in our park and see how we can have more fun in our business. 

Cause if we’re having fun in our business, we’re going to start attracting more people to our business, and when we attract more people, we build more following, and when we build more following, we attract more clients, and when we attract more clients, we make more impact, and when we make more impact, we make more income… see that AMAZING ripple effect?

Provide a complete experience

It’s not only about your service because there’s a lot of people that are doing the same thing that you are. Show your unique values.

Share behind-the-scenes of your life, your business, and show some personal stuff, too! Of course, you make your own rules, if you don’t want to get too personal.

Every successful entrepreneur knows that it’s not only about the product or service you provide. It’s about the experience. How are you different than your competitors? Why should your anyone choose your business over another? These are questions we can start asking ourselves to make sure we’re providing a unique experience to our customers.

Here are some ways you can provide experience to your audience on Instagram:

  • Whoever engaged with your story gets a DM with a voice note.
  • Send your past clients a video message.
  • Share a story of your previous clients 

Crazy? Heck no! We need to train ourselves to do the uncomfortable!

Showcase their personality

As a photographer, I have beautiful images on my Instagram feed. However, as I don’t feel that personal connection with my audience because that’s not really “me”. Building a brand on social media has given me the opportunity to showcase my personality and attract the right people to my account. I’ve managed to increase my followers with people that are ACTUALLY engaging with my content and that want MORE of what I’m producing.

3 Ways to Showcase Your Personality:

  • Reach out to your favorite brand and pitch yourself for an Instagram takeover.
  • Host a LIVE session
  • Use stories to showcase your personality

See, I’m sharing this content because I know it works. Because I know that if you ACTUALLY take action after listening to this episode YOU WILL start seeing results. 

In fact, I believe in this so much that I’ve created a framework that I’ll be sharing with you in a FREE online workshop that is coming soon. But if you’d like to be the first one notified for any updates about this program make sure you jump on the waitlist. Head to stevendecuba.com/workshop

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