#17 – How to Convert Followers into Paying Customers

August 4, 2020
The Steven de Cuba Podcast

If you are a creative person who has a passion for something (or you’re pursuing something) and you are READY to build a brand online so you can ACTUALLY start converting followers into customers and make a living from your passion. 

Well, friend, I have good news for you! 

After 8 years of building a personal brand on social media, and seeing so many entrepreneurs struggle with turning their followers into paying customers, I realized the big disconnect is in HOW you put content together in a way that doesn’t just get attention and provide value, but also turns a casual follower into a lifetime loyal customer.

I’ve decided to teach my exact process on building a personal brand on social media, so more people with important messages (like yourself!) can get out to more people. 

But, if you feel uncomfortable sharing things on social media, or maybe you THINK you’re not qualified to do it yet and you’re still waiting (I’m not sure waiting on what, but you’re constantly waiting for permission to do it), or maybe you have a job and you don’t have enough time to spend on social media, well friend… this might be for you! 

However, this is going to be a small, intimate group that I’ll be launching in a few weeks. Probably limited to ONLY 20 people.

Click here to join the waitlist, so you are notified as soon as I open my signature program!

Podcast-Cover-17-2 #17 -  How to Convert Followers into Paying Customers Podcast

Last Saturday, a follower reached out via Instagram DM and told me that he felt tired of showing up consistently online but without seeing any results. He was so tired of being busy but not profitable and felt like he was working extremely hard to get to the next clients.

Have you ever felt that way? Because I remember I was once there too.

See, a lot of people think that being busy in their business is what it takes to make money. But how many people do you know that are working so hard in their business and are ALWAYS busy, but can’t really show any results?

I know this because I was once there, too.

As a creative, I used to tell myself that I need to create more content in order to attract more people to my business, and eventually they will send me a DM or an email and we will end up working together.

But what, I’ve realized is that being creative is one thing, and being a business owner is another thing.

As the creative, I’m responsible for the content that I produce. As the CEO of my business, I’m responsible for the profitability of my business.

What would you think would happen if I’d kept wasting my time creating more and more content but not really seeing any results?

Exactly, I’ve ended up in a burnout, disappointed, and to a point of giving up.

And, I don’t want that for you.

Because what I’ve discovered and have been seeing a lot of results over the last 8 years is by building a personal brand on social media,

See, building a personal brand on social media is the best way to attract new eyeballs to your business, create relationships with your followers, and build trust with your potential customers.

But here’s the catch: building a personal brand on social media takes TIME.

It’s about the long game. It’s not about starting your Instagram account today and expect your first sale by tomorrow. 

Building a brand on social media is about consistency, building trust, creating relationships, and then asking for a sale. It’s about the looooooooong game. (YES, THAT AMOUNT OF O’S!)

I know this for certain because I’ve built a personal brand on social media for the last 8 years. When I first started my business, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I just knew that I’ve found my passion for photography and I wanted to do something with it.

I wanted people to know about it! 

When I first started, it all started on Facebook. I created a page, started sharing my story, my projects, and people were loving it! 

But I wasn’t making any sales yet. I was just sharing my story. 

After months of building trust, being consistent and building relationships the sales started to come in automatically.

I went from not knowing at all what I was doing on Social Media to finally start adjusting and creating a strategy that actually works for me and my business.

My followers started to engage with my content and ACTUALLY started to reach out to book me as their photographer. I went from being a broke student to finally having a personal brand on social media that creates connections and gives my business profitability. 

And that’s exactly what I want for you too.

Imagine showing up on social media and having tons of followers that actually engages with your content, but most importantly, converts into paying customers. 

You will show up every day knowing that you don’t have to rely on word of mouth, in-person events, or family and friends to book more clients. 

Let’s be real, most of the time, these are not your dream clients! (we’re still thankful for them, though!) 

But, how cool would it be to FINALLY start booking your ideal customers online because of YOUR hard work. How freaking awesome would it be to book clients that actually want to pay you for your services and not ask for any discounts AT ALL! (We all know those types of clients!)

Friends, all this can be possible when you build a personal brand online.

3 Ways to Convert Followers into Customers

1. Give more than you expect to receive

Show up every day from a place of service and create content that provides value and stop trying to sell every time online. Social media is about being SOCIAL, it’s never about selling.

I’m not saying you should NEVER sell. But, let me ask you this: when did you follow someone that post every time “10% off, 20% off, 2 for 1, buy 1 get 2 free” like “holy cow when are you stop having promotions!?”

But not you…

You are going to show up from a place of service every week to serve your audience and help them solve their biggest problems. This points to the principle of reciprocity!

The principle of reciprocity describes the tendency of human nature to want to offer something when something is received. You feel obliged to do something in return because something was done for you. … Marketers use the principle of reciprocity to their advantage, in their marketing strategies.

2. Leverage your followers by directing them to your freebies

This is what we have to understand: we don’t own our followers. If Mark Zuckerberg decides to stop with Facebook and Instagram, we will lose our followers. 

One of the ways we can leverage our followers is by turning them into email subscribers. This can be done easily with a freebie. So you can create, for example, a checklist, or a PDF guide, or a free video series, something for FREE that’s attractive enough to make your followers want to give their email to you so that they can download it.

But also, you’d want to give something of VALUE because you want your followers to think “Oh wow if all of this is for free imagine what I can receive when I PAY!”


3. Leverage Instagram DM strategy

Use different hashtags that your dream customers might be using and look for them. When you find them you can engage with some of their content, if you really want to work with them you can follow them, (this is optional), and then reach out via DM. 

Start a conversation with them or give them a compliment. This is so easy, yet so effective!

The way I’d like you to leverage your Instagram DM strategy is by starting a conversation with your followers, give them a compliment and leave it there. If they respond, you can continue the conversation. You can even stand out from your competition by sending a voice message via DM.

I’ve done it many times with my followers and TRUST ME: THIS BUILDS TRUST!

So, go on start conversations right now in your Instagram DM’s! 
