#10 – 3 Ways to Repurpose Your Content on Different Platforms

June 30, 2020
Repurpose Your Content

Hey there, did you know that content marketing is one of the best ways to generate traffic on your website, convert this traffic into leads and ultimately into paying customers?

If you’re looking for a way to repurpose your content to save time, stress and energy – well, friend, you’ve come to the right place!

Repurposing your content can be an amazing way to show up consistently online, connect with your audience and attract more eyeballs to your business. On top of that, you will show up every day online knowing exactly what to post, what to say and how to engage your audience.

You go from not knowing what to post to being a professional online marketeer.

I know it sounds crazy: because how many times have you experienced when you’re planning a post for Instagram, for example, you spend hours trying to choose the best image (so that you’re feed is curated), but also the right photo to match with your caption.

While showing up is important, not communicating your message effectively and engaging with your audience, is not going to convert them into paying customers.  In this episode of the Steven de Cuba Podcast, I’m going to share with you my exact framework of how I repurpose my content to make sure I’m connecting with my audience in different ways. 

Cover-3-1 #10 - 3 Ways to Repurpose Your Content on Different Platforms Podcast

Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.

This could be via Podcast, blog posts, social media posts. 

You’re probably asking: which one should I choose? But here’s the thing: there’s no one way to use content marketing. If you’re like me, if you are a solopreneur, my advice is to choose whatever comes to most naturally to you. For me, Podcast comes really easy to me because I can never shut up about personal branding, entrepreneurship and marketing. 

So, because it’s so easy for me, that’s why I’ve chosen Podcast as one of my ways to distribute content. But, as you probably know, I don’t only use my podcast as the one content marketing tool. I use different channels to distribute my content. 

I like to think that content marketing is pretty similar to working out. The more you work out, the fastest you will get to your results. Right? Let’s say we both want abs. However, I’m working out only on Sunday and you are working out 5 times a week. Guess who’s going to get abs the fastest? Probably you right?

The same with content marketing, the more channels you have to distribute your content the higher the probability of you reaching your target. 

But if you’re just starting out; my tip to you is to focus on one platform. Start with what you like the most and build from there.

I don’t want you to get overwhelmed: start where you’re at. Start with what you know and can do. And start you start building from there. 

If you want to dive deeper into repurposed content, I have a guide for you that will help you create one pillar content, which is, for example, the video on YoutTube, and how you can repurpose this content in different ways.  I show you examples of how I do it and I also share some screenshots of my content.

Download the “3 Ways to Repurpose Your Content on Social Media” Guide for FREE here.

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