Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan

February 19, 2018
Engagement Maastricht

It was Monday morning, it was raining and Jonathan was late for class. When he entered the classroom, he saw Alpha was seated opposite to his seat. His jaw dropped immediately. Jonathan thought “Oh my goodness, this girl… she’s hot!”

In 2013 Jonathan gave Alpha a promise ring. With this ring, Jonathan promised from that day forward, that Alpha will never walk alone. He promised that his heart would be her shelter and his arms would be her home. Two years after, he gave Alpha one last ring and told her that the next ring he will buy for her is the engagement ring.

It was on 14 of October 2017. It was Alpha’s birthday weekend. As soon as we arrived at the Chateau Neercanne in Maastricht, Jonathan went to the bathroom, or so we thought… After a couple of minutes, Alpha and I were asked by the receptionists if we wanted to see their wine cellar in the marl cave. We excitedly agreed. When we got there we saw Jonathan, surrounded by candles, standing in the middle of the cave.  Jonathan took Alpha’s hand, looked her into her eyes, and asked her to marry him. Alpha shouted: “YES!!!”.

2018-02-18_0009-1920x1281 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement 2018-02-18_0011-1920x1440 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement 2018-02-18_0010-1920x1439 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement 2018-02-18_0013-1920x1281 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement 2018-02-18_0014-1920x1440 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement 2018-02-18_0015-1920x1440 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement

“One of the reasons I love him is because he has shown me what is to love like Christ loves The Church. He has loved me even when I wasn’t worthy of loving, to say the least. When I didn’t have my stuff together, when I wasn’t the person I am today, he still loved me. He has always pushed me to grow to become a better person” said Alpha.

2018-02-18_0017-1920x1281 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement 2018-02-18_0018-1920x1440 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement 2018-02-18_0019-1920x1281 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement 2018-02-18_0021-1920x1440 Château Neercanne Engagement: Alpha and Jonathan Engagement

Alpha and Jonathan, I cannot express how much love I have for you two. Your love is contagious and I believe you need to show it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of your beautiful engagement. I cannot wait to photograph your wedding this year. But for now, I wish you all the best as you navigate through this beautiful journey, together.


  • garde-robes
    February 19, 2018

    Reading and seeing these photos just took me down memory lane!!
    THANK YOU so much for capturing this moment for us… really can not for our next project together.
    On another note; How could you possibly have been working with my fiancé on this surprise behind my back?? (yes I am still in my feelings about it)

  • Steven de Cuba
    February 27, 2018

    Hahaha! I wish I could’ve told you everything! But then I wouldn’t get those reactions! 😉

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