When I first started my business, I had no idea what I was doing. I had just started. In fact, when I first started my business; I doubted myself. It’s like my mind was having a debate with itself: “Am I good enough?” “Will I succeed?” “Is this the right way?” “So-and-so has 100k+ followers, I only …

Hey friends, I am hosting an educational Facebook Live series! For the next 5 weeks, I am going to host a weekly educational Facebook live series with different photography related topics. Not only that, I am also giving away a FREE PHOTOSHOOT! Join me on Monday 31st of July at 6:00 pm (CEST) for the first edition. Coming …
Wedding Album For months, I’ve wanted to add something extra to my business. Something that would last forever. Something tangible. I thought about the idea of wedding albums. My fear was, what if my wedding album doesn’t fit my photography style and business? I started searching online for different companies that offer wedding albums, and boom. …
Have you heard the news? I’m giving everyone that subscribes to my newsletter a 10% discount on their next 1-hour photoshoot with me + one lucky winner will win a FREE PHOTOSHOOT ✨ The process is easy. At the end of this page, there’s a subscription bar giving you 10% off on your next 1-hour …
Hi friends, I am back with another blog post. This time, I come with a promise. I promise to start blogging more often, and by often, I mean weekly! I will share some how-to-wedding related topics, I am going to invite you to my new journey on Facebook, and I will also be giving away …
They met in church and they instantly clicked. Lisa and Junior were best friends back then. As time passed, they started getting closer and closer to each other, which ended up in more feelings for each other. At that time, Lisa and Junior were students. On valentines day of 2011, they went to a restaurant …
This is Oswaldo and Ingrid. Oswaldo is my brother. He was born in Colombia, moved to Aruba when he was a teenager and moved to The Netherlands shortly after. When Oswaldo moved to Aruba he met Ingrid. Ingrid saw Oswaldo for this first time at his birthday party. After a lot of long night phone calls, …
Moving to The Netherlands has brought me so many different opportunities. Don’t get me wrong though, I am first and foremost a wedding photographer. However, getting the chance to collaborate with different entrepreneurs is something that I find pretty interesting. Recently, I got the chance to do a collaboration with Kane Watches and Mudly’s Barbershop. Kane …
When I first started my business, I had no idea where to start. I thought a photography business means: having a camera? Of course. Having a logo? Uhm… okay. Having a website? …Okay, slow down! At that time, my dad had an old camera. I picked it up, started taking random pictures and posted them …
They met at a festival. She was working for charity. He, on the other hand, was there to party. They met and chatted for a while that night. Even though they only spoke briefly to each other, they knew they wanted to get to know each other better. For their first date, they went for …