Hey, there – welcome back to the Steven de Cuba Podcast. I’m happy you are here and excited to dive in the topic of today. Today, we’re talking about two of my favourite things: Instagram and Business. Instagram has been one of my strongest marketing tools that have worked for my business. Instagram has helped …
Rocio is a multi-faceted young professional with passions in different areas while exercising different roles. It is for this reason that the word dynamic is so personal to her; because of the dynamism in her, she’s able to achieve personal and professional progress. As a Communications Professional with a passion for content writing and digital …
Bibi-Jane moved from Aruba to Amsterdam at 17 years old with one goal in mind, get her bachelor’s in Forensics. Four years later she checked that off her list. But during those four years, her interests took a turn. I guess that could happen if you choose what you want to do for the rest …
I remember when my dad bought his new camera, I immediately took the old one. I signed up to the university of Google and Youtube and quickly made that camera my best friend. In 2012, I had a cousin who was pregnant so I asked her to take her pregnancy photos. She agreed and we …
Can I be honest with you? For months, I talked myself out of it. Real talk: I was scared AF! Of the judgment. Of the unknown. Of the little voice in my head that judges every.single.shit I do. But today? I’m tossing that negativity in the trash. This is the start of something new and …
Ever had the crazy idea to take your own photo on a bike… ALONE? Me neither. However, this quarantine has given us the opportunity to make so much crazy things and this is exactly one of them. Oh, friend, I know what you’re thinking: one more month in quarantine and you’ll end up completely crazy! …
Last December, I wanted to host my own podcast, but I let things get in the way. I have no idea how to do it. I don’t have the gear. I’m too busy. Would anyone even listen to it? Does the world need yet ANOTHER podcast? I could keep listing excuses, but they boil down …
Ooohh COVID-19, you sure do make us do crazy things! We buy more toilet paper than we actually need, fill our pantries with cans of food we never even thought we will eat, AAAANDD we open our own ONLINE SHOP. Online SHOP?! Whoaaa?! Heck yes; I’ve launched my own shop on my website and I …
You have the Lightroom App on your phone, you’ve downloaded my Lightroom mobile presets, now the question is: how do you install the presets into your Lightroom App? That is exactly what we’re going to cover in this video… In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, not long ago I’ve launched the …
Okay, I get it… Hiring a professional photographer to take your personal brand photos is not possible at this moment because, well… we’re in the middle of a pandemic. However, you can use your phone… (yes, you heard that right, your phone!)… to take a beautiful profile picture for your LinkedIn account (or any account, …