3 Random Things About Me | Get Personal with Steven de Cuba

March 29, 2019
random things

Have I ever introduced myself to you?

I believe that social media has changed our lives completely.

Some people say that it has brought many negative things, while I don’t disagree, I choose to focus on the more positive things.

For example, Facebook live. This new feature has been one of the things that have shaped my business in many ways.

I love Facebook live because it has given me the opportunity to be more open, authentic and, more importantly, it has given me the opportunity to make mistakes and own them.

In this video, I share 3 random things about me. I talk about my journey moving to The Netherlands and starting my business right after, I get a bit personal and show you some family photos, and I talk about my favourite podcasts.

Watch this live video HERE

Screenshot-2019-03-20-at-15.32.42-940x583 3 Random Things About Me | Get Personal with Steven de Cuba Personal


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