3 Tips for Writing Your Wedding Vows

March 12, 2018

Writing your own wedding vows is the perfect way to make your wedding more personal. Your vows should be short and concise, but should also include details that make your relationship special. Here are 3 tips for writing your wedding vows.

Decide together
First of all, you have to make sure you are both on the same page. Make sure that you and your future spouse also want to do it. Once that’s taken care of, you also want to decide: how long will the vows be, whether you will share inside jokes, or whether you would rather keep things more generic.

Plan what you’re going to say
The next thing you should do is create a list. Structure your work. You don’t have to put everything together right away. Write all the things you love about your future spouse, what you’re looking forward to in your marriage and the promises you want to make.

Here are some helpful questions you could answer:

  • What is the one thing you like the most about your spouse?
  • When did you know that you were in love with your spouse?
  • What is your most favourite memory with your spouse?
  • What is the most important thing you want to promise your spouse?

Just don’t try to be anything you’re not. When answering these questions, make sure you choose a tone. If you’re a silly person, add some humor to your vows. Whether you’re funny, sentimental, or romantic, make sure to stay true to yourself.

Practice out loud
As awkward as it might feel, you can’t skip this step. Practice it once, and time yourself. Make some small changes. Try to speak as slowly as possible, plan where you’ll take significant pauses, and practice it a few times until you feel confident.

2018-03-05_0004-1920x1441 3 Tips for Writing Your Wedding Vows How-to Wedding

Finally, don’t stress too much when writing your vows. Be concise, but be yourself. In the end, your wedding vows will be more meaningful than you think because you wrote them yourself.

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